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Accuracy vs Surge at dread guard (63) armor level for PvE ops


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Hoping for Veteran marauder input--black hole-ish level or above.


I'm a carnage marauder in mostly Dread Guard gear now, and like many I've always stacked surge after accuracy breaks the 108% special attack threshold, i.e, only about 50 pts of accuracy. But I've read devs insisting accuracy does in fact improve damage somewhat and at the point of 500+ points, surge is getting ever more useless...anybody have any data to support that accuracy can have at least some measurable benefit after the 108 threshold, enough to warrant adding it back in?

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There's actually been a good deal of testing and developer commentary to indicate that the defense chance of current content is in fact the originally speculated 10% and not the 8% that came out from some early tests.


Past 100% listed on your character sheet, there is no value to Accuracy currently. It doesn't reduce the target's effective armor rating or anything, just their chance to defend against an attack past 100% (e.g. the 100-110% range where you can't miss, only have the target evade).


285 Rating (BH x5) and Legacy companion buff yields 99.89% base accuracy, and 109.89% for everything that matters, so a small uptick from Dread Guard is in fact a gain, but anything past 100.0% is wasted currently.


That may change if BioWare ever implements enemies with a higher defense chance.

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