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I stayed rage for about 8 months and had a heck of a lot of fun in just about every facet of end game. The thing with PvE though is that if your group is cc'ing things you really need to be away from that or smash will mess things up. Its also fun in pvp to have the force crush smash combo and to watch 5 k disappear in an instant.
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Rage is without a doubt the highest dps output spec for PvP, for mara or jugg, but for PvE I believe the consensus from many tests and parses is that Annihilation still wins for PvE, with carnage a very very close second (we are talking 2-3% difference in dps, tops, and some fights that require more/better burst, carnage is probably better).


However, I think any fight that has 2+ mobs in close proximity to each other would favor Rage. So far every fight with multiple mobs this has not been possible, or not useful enough to justify the single target dps loss. For example, both Bonecrusher and Foreman Crusher in Karagga's Palace have adds spawn throughout the fight, and these adds can be tanked in close proximity to the boss and then burned down. With Bonecrusher, the issue is that even on NiM mode, killing the adds is really optional, as picking them up gives your tank something to do. The only time killing them would make sense is if you had a dps heavy/healer light raid composition, meaning that healing one extra person who is taking consistent damage (tank) would overly stress the healers. I have never seen this to be an issue. With Foreman Crusher, the adds just die so fast that there isn't much point in worrying about it. 2 Sorcs, a merc with death from above, and a few normal smashes takes care of them easily.


I think this is something that they should consider doing, as cleaving bosses was always a blast on my arms warrior in WoW, using sweeping strikes.


In short, currently there are no encounters that Rage would outshine carnage or anni. Overall, Anni is your safest bet, but there are some boss mechanics that favor carnage for the burst it can provide (the G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator Droid in KP with the short burn phase window come to mind), so if you guild has trouble on these, respeccing may be worth considering.

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Well, my guildie and I did some dps testing on the operation dummy in his ship. We also had a merc come on to apply the armor debuff (since Rage damage is basically kinetic). He was thisclose to beating me on dps. I would parse around 1850 on a 5 minute fight. I didn't actually look at this dps number, but he was 40k behind me in a 5 minute fight. So he was about 1720 dps on a five minute fight. We did 2 tests and that's about the difference, I think one was 20k behind, maybe, so he was 75'ish dps behind.


With adds, he'd destroy me.


Tbh, I feel the Rage PvE rotation is much harder than the priority system for Anni (or maybe I've been anni snce the game release that I'm just super comfortable with it), but I'm trying to see what kind of numbers I can turn around with it.

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