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Power vs Crit?


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I have a 50 Merc. I have stacked power and surge. Should I go back and add some crit when my critical chance is at 31%? How far can lower power before dps starts to go down? I am confused. One says stack crit and another says stack power. Please help me.
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Power and crit need to be balanced (so to say) with my merc i have 35% crit then stack power. (crit is unbuffed/unstimed btw) and according to mox (wich i dont really find is all that reliable) i beat out lethality snipers and marauders (both carnage and annihilation) at times. merc is an easy class to play but most people dont bother to properly learn how to play it so we got stuck with a bad rep dps wise. hope this helps answer your question! :)
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You don't want crit to be a certain percentage. You want your crit rating to be about 235, regardless of what % it is at. This is becuase critical rating's DR is not affected by things such as your main stat's bonus to crit chance, skill tree bonuses, buffs, etc. After your Critical Rating surpasses 235 you start to see DR, so get it to there.


Also, MOX is a reliable parser. Don't know that poster thinks it's not reliable. All that program does is take the numbers the game itself generates from your combat logs and tells you the numbers in real time.

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Strictly speaking for pvp, as arsenal you should focus entirely on power and aim. Crit doesn't matter. All of your good attacks have enough passive bonuses to crit from your skill tree and armor set bonus.


For pyro I can see the argument in dabbling in crit a little as most of your damage comes from weak aoe DOT's.

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Get to 30% unbuffed crit. Stack power.


All augments should be Aim, but mods should be low aim, high power.


You want ~35% crit buffed and over 1000 power. However, in high end gear your crit will still be over 35% because of the amount of stats you're gaining.

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I have a 50 merc pyro and crit helps out with all the DOTs. With buffs my crit is 40%. I usually do top 1-2 damage in pvp and I think it is from the high crit. That is pvp and not pve. If I start doing more raiding I will switch to stacking power which will make you do more damage in longer fights. Endgame pve gear seems to stack more power already so you will already be going that route.


Anyone have some numbers from parser to back this up?

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I have a 50 merc pyro and crit helps out with all the DOTs. With buffs my crit is 40%. I usually do top 1-2 damage in pvp and I think it is from the high crit. That is pvp and not pve. If I start doing more raiding I will switch to stacking power which will make you do more damage in longer fights. Endgame pve gear seems to stack more power already so you will already be going that route.


Anyone have some numbers from parser to back this up?


No one should be using stock endgame PvE gear since it is horribly itemized.

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Strictly speaking for pvp, as arsenal you should focus entirely on power and aim. Crit doesn't matter. All of your good attacks have enough passive bonuses to crit from your skill tree and armor set bonus.


For pyro I can see the argument in dabbling in crit a little as most of your damage comes from weak aoe DOT's.


there are a lot mistakes here. first as jonmcooper rightfully said is 235 (around that) critrating the point where 1 crtirating >power in terms of pure dps for the arsenal merc. the armorset bonuses and skill bonuses are of course calculated in but have little effect on deminishing return of crit rating.


one could even argue that especially in pvp you want crit to be even higher (280 or so) since crit raiting makes critical hit more reliable (less overkill) and overwrites shielding of tanks (tankkilling is one of the jobs of the arsenal merc)


PS: if you are full augmented wh and get 235 crtirating, you will have around 35% critchance buffed.

Edited by Quantemoq
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Get to 30% unbuffed crit. Stack power.


All augments should be Aim, but mods should be low aim, high power.


You want ~35% crit buffed and over 1000 power. However, in high end gear your crit will still be over 35% because of the amount of stats you're gaining.


I second this.

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