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Too many superweapons in post ROTJ era?


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In the movies, Death Star is like the ultimate weapon and the Empire spent so much effort to build it, but in the EU after RotJ there are too many uber superweapons, no other era got this many. Weapons like galaxy gun, sun crusher are ever more powerful than Death Star. World Devastators could destroy planets and turn them into resources to build weapon. Even Ellipse and Conquerer's super laser is close to Death Star. Compare to these, DS is more like a just a mobile base with ok weapon.
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TOR has a few as well . Death mark, shock drum, silencer, power guard, gauntlet , the barrager, the thing that almost destroyed tython and those plant thing in agent story. All were used by empire but never lasted long. The silencer and gauntlet were my favorites to destroy fleets. Edited by Newyankalt
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The 'Sun Crusher' was the worst offender. A tiny stealthy indestructible one-man ship that could destroy entire planetary systems or any ship it was aimed at. Personally, I think that sort of over-the-top super-weapon is a sign of weak writing. Most end-of-the-world type plots are, really. If you can't make a villain seem dark and threatening without giving them the keys to the unstoppable world-destroyer then you've probably not fleshed out the story enough.
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The 'Sun Crusher' was the worst offender. A tiny stealthy indestructible one-man ship that could destroy entire planetary systems or any ship it was aimed at. Personally, I think that sort of over-the-top super-weapon is a sign of weak writing. Most end-of-the-world type plots are, really. If you can't make a villain seem dark and threatening without giving them the keys to the unstoppable world-destroyer then you've probably not fleshed out the story enough.


my thoughts exactly. Too many writers got to write for the EU, it was bound to have more than its share of bad apples.


On a personal note, It's sad that for the sake of money George Lucas sold out his universe and artist integrity, but who doesn't nowadays...

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The 'Sun Crusher' was the worst offender. A tiny stealthy indestructible one-man ship that could destroy entire planetary systems or any ship it was aimed at. Personally, I think that sort of over-the-top super-weapon is a sign of weak writing. Most end-of-the-world type plots are, really. If you can't make a villain seem dark and threatening without giving them the keys to the unstoppable world-destroyer then you've probably not fleshed out the story enough.


well at least the ultimate weapon craze has faded out in current post ROTJ stuff

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the major flaw of the EU. To sell your books you have to make the threat in your book bigger then the last. So you end up getting a form of power creep where each new book the heros face a bigger threat that only makes the death star, the emperor and vader look weak in comparison.


Of course Lucas found a way to stop this with out fans noticing.

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"What the Empire would have done was build a super-colossal Yuuzhan Vong–killing battle machine. They would have called it the Nova Colossus or the Galaxy Destructor or the Nostril of Palpatine or something equally grandiose. They would have spent billions of credits, employed thousands of contractors and subcontractors, and equipped it with the latest in death-dealing technology. And you know what would have happened? It wouldn't have worked. They'd forget to bolt down a metal plate over an access hatch leading to the main reactors, or some other mistake, and a hotshot enemy pilot would drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up. Now that's what the Empire would have done."

―Han Solo, to Vana Dorja


Han Solo thought there were too many Super Weapons too. It was an Imperial thing apparently.

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