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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Popularity Contest


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So we all know there is a PvP Heroes/Villains. I'd like to say that I take nothing away from those plyers named best in their class. But seeing how this server only does Warzones and no real open world PvP events I'd like to say that if it weren't forn the work horses that Queue up and PvP those named on that other thread wouldnt be as awesome as you think. It takes a good team for them to as awesome as you think. Whats a god player on a bad team? He's nothing. So I'd like to take the time and address a lot of the underlooked players who I value very much.


Guard/Jugg: Aikon, Rerkk, Yasmina, Otar

Sentinels/Mar: Dlan, Maudin, Orazio, Hugob

Sages/Sorc: Elvendra, Azuri, Harbaror, Akha, Liva & Rhodium

Shadows/Assassins: Jedaro, Robaxis, Monster, Anoetica (however u spell it :p) Delere, En'ail, Rava-Lynn, Nyche, Varankavar

Commandos: Harald, Daxos, Evonaut, & Baree

Vanguard/Pyro: Voldash, Konstance, & Siricius

Gunslingers: Arty & Mysfit

scoundrels: Kira & Nahira


& many more that impact WZ's greatly. It's my honnor to PvP with all of you who log in and play to win. This is your recognition because without you all WZ would suck and all those named in the other thread wouldn't look so great. They'd get stunlocked and ***** just like an average Joe without you all.



The Controversial Raygon :p

Edited by RayGonJinn
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