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sentinels orange armour


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dose the sentinel have an equivilent to the battlelord's set and the Myrmidon set that the heavy amour jedi gets and if so what is it called I've been looking for it for ages please help I've checked the sentinels forums and cant find anything helpful on the matter have we been overlooked by bioware or am I just not looking hard enough



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while thats the kind of information im looking for ie the name the set you speak of has mods inside and while desigened for the sentinel clearly it is also not LIMITED to ie has the requires: jedi knight on it. the set i am looking for will be empty


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My sent is my first toon ever, so it's all very foggy now sitting 1 piece away from full augmented wh.


I have two pieces that I got the shells with no mod, one was the valorous blade sovereign (olive green kinda regular looking robe) but I think you get it around the 30s, could've been on tatooine, and a sith blademaster shell from Malestrom Prison (yes you can wear it as light side sentinel, it kinda looks like the bladefury pvp chest piece but black and grey)


I can't seem to find anything else and I checked my cargo hold for stuff but I couldn't find anything else, sorry.

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