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GREAT Trooper Quest/Chain: Gauntlet


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Just finished The Gauntlet quests - using different companions through-out the story. It was so much fun! Hope there are more of these type of adventures for other classes.




P.S. Thought the Sage & Sorcerer end quests were a lot of fun too!

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So far that is one of my favorite class story moment. There is another on Corellia that is much better with the different squads. More ops like that for the Trooper would made for an awesome story. Giving that feeling of actually being part of an Elite "SQUAD" causing Havoc. Hopefully they run with the idea in future content.
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I really wish when you finally form Havoc squad they have missions trooper only where you have your entire squad with you and you have a few orders like in Republic Commando.


Where you can tell them to take cover, breech and clear, tell one guy to snipe here, another to crack the computer, etc.


It's been nagging me that you can only have one companion at a time, but you're still a squad.

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