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Taunting (sith warrior)


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Hi sorry to sound noobish but im used to playing a Sith healer , so i have recently created a Sith tank to try something new, i have a few issues i could really use help with please, at the moment my warrior is only a baby lvl 14 but im finding it hard to keep agro off A. my companion, Vette she pulls agro like pow! or if there are a few mobs to try and keep it off any group member( for instance the manodlorian quest in Dromund Kaas !),

is there an Addon like Taunt master i can use as i found that to be my tanking Saviour ( on wow) if so what is it called and where can i get it please , if not would some one be kind enough to help me with my spells to help me maintain my class role please i truly don't want to give up on her i really like her.

( I know there will be a lot of you out there going im a noob or idiot or shouldn't play blah blah but this is a new game to me i still don't quite understand stats,skill tree and spell stuff i just plonk it into the place i think is correct ( i only just got the hang of stuff like this on WoW after 6 yrs of playing and now i have to work out surge ,power, crit, alacrity and tbh i don't have a scooby doo what they all mean)

People that Dedicate their Lives to playing games are more knowledgeable than some one like myself who play for fun and entertainment and there for i ask for some help in layman's terms.



Any way I thank you in advance for any assistance you may wish to give,

And should you be on The red eclipse server and need a lvl 40 healer please look me up Geminii. ( for small fp ect)


Kind regards

Geminii / A'ries

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You should be getting single target taunt ability soon, and area one a bit later. Also, if tanking you must always be in Soresu form. Put your skill points in the left skill tree, that one is your tanky tree and improves your defending skills and gives you high aggro generating abilities.
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Another trick is if you able to tank it, have your own character aggro the mob first, instead of sending in your comp. (Force charge) That way you take the initial burst damage. Also some abilities generate high threat, so if mobs are pulling aggro from you, pull one of those out (smash, backhand)
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You get an AoE Taunt in the Late Twenties/Early Thirties.


You should be getting a single target taunt fairly soon along with the Soresu Lightsaber form. This form increases threat and damage mitigation.


You do not necessarily need to put points in the Immortal (Tanking) tree. I managed to tank Flash points all the way up to level 30 with the Vengence tree which I believe to be better for leveling (I recommend this tree for levelling by the way.)

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there aren't anyaddon for the game, you have to do with what you see on screen. For exemple, you can activate in the option the target of target to verify if you have target's aggro. if not, then taunt it.


Add on may one day come to the game, anything possible, but they haven't hinted the game going that way, so you will have for the immediate future deal with the basic interface.


one last thing though, when you say


People that Dedicate their Lives to playing games are more knowledgeable than some one like myself who play for fun and entertainment and there for i ask for some help in layman's terms.


People don't dedicate their life to playing games, even video games journalists don't play as much as you might think. Some play more than other, but dedicated their life is way too strong a statement to be realistic.

Edited by Vankris
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As others said, yes, you can just run as a DPS Jugg for 40 levels. However, if you're actually just trying to play the game and enjoy a different style (rather than impress women with how 'leet you are in a video game):


The best tips I can give you at that level is to do damage quickly. Sounds stupid, but follow me. You're using Vette and under the Tank spec, she's going to out damage you for the entire game. So, the best thing you can do to help her (since she is your most powerful weapon in this case) is to take the initial damage burst.


Force Charge is your friend. As a Tank who doesn't have many aggro generating tools yet, you'll probably want to Force Charge to the biggest threat in any group. That will at least ensure that their first attack comes against you. If you follow it with a quick Smash, you'll get some damage on others nearby, plus a bonus interrupt and stun against weak enemies. And if you have a fully charged Battle Cry (free Force Scream after a Charge), then you've got a mid-range attack to toss at another enemy.


As a low-to-mid level Jugg Tank, these formed a pretty standard opening attack: Force Charge (biggest threat) > Smash > Scream ( second threat). From there, I'd attack whoever Vette was attacking. Even with Soresu Form, this wasn't a guarantee that I'd keep aggro on them, but it usually meant that no more than one enemy was attacking her, while I took the rest of the heat. Fairly soon, you should have a single-target taunt, but until then, selectively applying damage can work almost as well.


And while it shouldn't need to be said: If you're going to play like this, you need to put some thought into balancing Strength and Endurance. Either way, you need to keep your Armor as high as you can. I tried to stack Endurance as much as I could, and balanced out with extra Strength when I was feeling a bit light on damage.

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Just started a Juggernaught myself, and it's currently level 18.


Few points of feedback on it that may help you:


1) The taunt you get soon is useful, but I've noticed it only seems to be working on organics (not on robots for example, I don't know if this is just me not paying attention or a genuine issue though)

2) I found a mix of Immortal and Rage is good for leveling early - you get your tanky stat boosts from Immortal, and the Ravage and Smash boosts from the lowest level of the Rage tree which helps keep your DPS up high in extended boss-fights during Flashpoints, which helps you draw that extra aggro away from allies.

3) Make sure you rotate your skills in the correct sequence - if you do it right, you can normally demolish a few enemies seconds after using Force Leap, which can help end the fight faster and reduce the damage taken.

Edited by Harsisus
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something else I'll point out OP:


you probably already know this as you've probably already gotten past 16, but for the benefit of those who don't, at level 16 you get Soresu form, and if you run in that, your threat worries are over.


By the way, vette pulls sick amounts of threat early on, cause she is a sick bag of leetsauce dps. with witty comebacks to boot. unless you use Soresu she will pull aggro. i think it's her comments, they really piss mobs off. I have found that early on gearing her better then me provides a better DPS return then gearing myself more then her. sad but true. once you hit the 20's your in the lead by far.


You don't need any points in tank spec. if you actually read the early talents, none of them really buff your ability to hold threat. in your second tier, there's some minor damage reduction, but thats it. the first two tiers are more about rage conservation, because in all honesty, early on, rage generation sucks for soresu form. It sucks goat dandy-lions.


I've found the best pre-20 to be a mix of all 3 trees. warcry, single saber mastery, enraged sunder, and decimate are all fantastic for saving rage, generating rage, and dealing more damage. after 20 I'd respec into pure vengeance and level that way until 40 or so. you can tank most the instances prior to that in vengeance spec if you know what you are doing. if you really want to go the immortal route, it's best at around 30, where backhand and your insta-choke make mob control far easier.


But with the 1.3 nerfs to damage for immortal builds, its really slow to level that way. the upside is you can run any companion you want, and not feel as squishy. but if you could care less about which comanion, post 20 vengeance with quinn healing is simply the fastest overall. after leveling 3 juggs one of each spec, it was the fastest. rage may also be good now with the 1.4 changes, but I never liked it's rotation. and the vengeance skill are very cool animations.

Edited by Elyx
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I'm actually playing my juggernaut as a pure Rage Jugg right now( just about to turn level 39, onw to Hoth in plot after some pvp(daily) and a flashpoint run( most likely the foundry) ). I've not found it hard at all to tank like this...though dsping I seem to do alot of damage. If you do care about your companion, I fully recommend Soresu form for it's extra defense and that's with whatever spec you use. Myabe, I'm just weird because even i didn't think tanking was possible from this style. I was really only intending on using i til I got a certainc ompanion who was gonna be party from the moment they joined til ending and the fact that I can play this way and possibly make through the entire story like this BAD*SS in soooo many ways( alot of which is me being able to being affection since they go everywhere with me).
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