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Trading bound items in operatons.


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Trading bound items in operatons is a WONDERFUL idea that should have been in place since launch of course people find a way to abuse or exploit any little thing SWTOR does to make gaming smoother. I dont know if this was your intent for not binding items but I'm pretty sure that it wasnt I now constantly see spammed in gen chat "8 million credits we'll run you threw Denova hard mode and you get all the drops get full camp gear in one day 8 mil pst" When I asked you expect someone just to hand over 8 mil and take your word or pass on gear and expect them to pay I was told "Oh no now we can just trade stuff during the op".....................weak.........super fail, and lame. Unless thats what you meant to do I would rather see the trading option removed then working very hard for weeks to gear my character just to see some douche that knows abousolutly nothing about the game or how to play it be able to brag or say "I'm better than you just look at my gear" what s the point of playing or trying to better your character if people can just buy their wayto the top? Edited by MiddleDarkness
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Trading bound items in operatons is a WONDERFUL idea that should have been in place since launch of course people find a way to abuse or exploit any little thing SWTOR does to make gaming smoother. I dont know if this was your intent for not binding items but I'm pretty sure that it wasnt I now constantly see spammed in gen chat "8 million credits we'll run you threw Denova hard mode and you get all the drops get full camp gear in one day 8 mil pst" When I asked you expect someone just to hand over 8 mil and take your word or pass on gear and expect them to pay I was told "Oh no now we can just trade stuff during the op".....................weak.........super fail, and lame. Unless thats what you meant to do I would rather see the trading option removed then working very hard for weeks to gear my character just to see some douche that knows abousolutly nothing about the game or how to play it be able to brag or say "I'm better than you just look at my gear" what s the point of playing or trying to better your character if people can just buy their wayto the top?


A valid concern... or maybe not...


Even if this system was not in, Guilds would still accept payment for running someone through with the promise that they get all the loot for their class. It has happened before and it will happen again. This system might facilitate it, but that is it.


The advantages of the system are too many to want it removed. As an example, just a few days ago a player accidentaly released during the last fight in Cademimu just as the boss died. He was unable to view the loot roll window and he was the only one able to use the weapon that dropped. So one of us needed on the weapon and just traded it to him. Everyone was happy. Without this system in place, it would have been harder to resolve this little issue.


The system is good. Don't let one little *possible exploit* sour it for you. You will appreciate the system next time someone accidentally needs on an item you wanted, or the loot master accidentally assigns "your" loot to another player with a similar name, etc, etc, etc...

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Back in Feb (I think it was) I tanked my first hard mode Black Talon.....last boss down one of the DPSers (another Warrior) automatically clicked need on the Columi arms, then proceed to announce "oh sorry I've already got those!"


He was all full of appologies, and I believed him, he was in the same guild as me and came across as a decent bloke.

I wish trading to other group members was in place back then :(

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Back in Feb (I think it was) I tanked my first hard mode Black Talon.....last boss down one of the DPSers (another Warrior) automatically clicked need on the Columi arms, then proceed to announce "oh sorry I've already got those!"


He was all full of appologies, and I believed him, he was in the same guild as me and came across as a decent bloke.

I wish trading to other group members was in place back then :(


you could have just put in a ticket and customer service would have fixed the situation for you. but it's just BT so no big deal really

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you could have just put in a ticket and customer service would have fixed the situation for you. but it's just BT so no big deal really


You don't know my luck with drops.....it tooks weeks for the Warrior arms to drop again lol

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