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Why did you pick Power Tech?


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I like playing tank classes.


Initially BH was going to be the last character I picked up honestly. From the movies I considered them amoral scum.


I started off with a darkness specced SI:assassin, but didn't like the resource mechanic.

I migrated to SW:juggernaut, and while I like the resource mechanic and story, some other parts of the class just weren't fitting right for me.


Due to that experience I decided to give the BH a try, at first I hated heat and the story. The story has gotten better as I've progressed, and heat really reminds me of the overheating weapons from ME1, so while I still get into trouble with the mechanics sometimes I've learned to discipline myself in it's use a bit.


I definitely appreciate the mobility/utility and raw mitigation the class has.

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I tried to be a BH during the beta, and didnt know which way to go, so i went with my gut and chose PT. My current main is the same character build, and i have not regretted it. Being a PT was so fun, and with Mako healing, high armor (armor leaning towards more endurance than aim) and such a library of attacks to choose from, it's just too fun to not be a BH. Tried the trooper Vanguard build, similar, but not the same.
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In the immortal words of our friend Scorpion....





I say this sometimes when pulling brutes or healers from their friends to say hello to my mr. knee and goodby for my ms. flamer. Shooting violently gun ho style is not my style, I prefer inflict pain in close quarters range... some good kicks to the balls and punches to the face always count a lot :D Edited by Urukkhan
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To me it came down to, would you rather heal, or tank. I like beefy characters so tanking it is. It's not just that either. I've read that mercs are less mobile and strictly ranged. I'm a pvper so that's not a big deal. But most of their ranged nukes are casted, which i'm not a fan of.


Then there's the powertech. A rolling boulder if you will. Extremely mobile. And is kind of unique in that it operates as a mid ranged character rather than strictly melee or ranged.

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