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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware can you explain to me why...


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two problems with smash.


1: devs went too far on how easy it is to use now. it may have been to hard to set up and get off before, but is just two easy now.


2: nothing wrong with high damage point blank AOEs. problem is, leap turns it into a long range AOE. they gave the smash to the wrong class. would not be a problem if they had given that attack to any of the non-leaping classes.

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Every time they do something it becomes more and more clear they hate operatives, mercs and sorcs- and adore marauders and juggs.


I left a few months after 1.2 because I was disgusted at how badly they'd nerfed sorcs while vaulting marauders to unparalleled god class status- I come back before f2p and what do I see- they've buffed marauders and juggs even more, and they're promising another nerf to sorcs- even after they nerfed our KB to be conal rather than radial, and our stun from 30 to 10m.


Yeah- nobody can question that BW is extremely biased now- next change to mara is probably going to be a buff too, would fit in with their **** class balance.



... oh, wait- marauders will still defend to the death that there is perfect balance- must be nice to be the favourite one huh.


Yah, now other 2 mara specs are underplayed so we need to BUFF THOSE! -> BW metrics aahahahhahahahahah


And when i heard logic behind stun range reduction: well if you want to stun now you have to go in melee range. Really? On ranged classes that must work to stay heck out of melee range rofl


We identified problems and expected a fix back in january. So you come back and not only problems havent been fixed they BUFFED it. Its obvious they dont have the manpower to do pretty much anything any more (well except recolor armor sets). The state of PvP is craptastic. I didnt play a game with such bad balance.

Edited by GrandMike
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All they need to do is remove the fact you can reduce smashes active cool down - Rage/Focus Balanced.


U really think removing a one sec cd will balance it? They have to move singularity/ shockwave to proc a different attack and buff base damage on smash.....

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Focus/Rage is very good but not OP.


Said the Derpsmashmonkey. Virtually everyone recongizes at this point that focus/rage is overtuned. Even most of the people using it. You can't go into a warzone without seeing four smashmonkeys. It's been the OP flavor of the month for month after month.

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For the start - smash in PvP should be the single-target ability.


In reality - you should not expect too much from devs. They actually could do some nerfs to the smash spec. There will be a large article how the devs listen to the community and how after a huge research they tone down the damage of smash by 2%.


Because the goals for Eaware and community does not match. The community wants the fair game rules and relatively good class balance. And the Eaware wants newcomer casuals to enjoy the game. The newcomers in majority are picking the lore classes - JK or more likely SW. (wow! shiny glow sticks! and evil look!) So Eaware has made the gameplay of this two classes to be as much simple as it can be. You pick the JK/SW and start owning everyone! You feel great and proud of yourself! and eager to sub or buy CC....


Why there was an nerf to operatives in the first place? Because Operatives class while not being presented at the advertising cover was owning the classes that actually are at the adv cover!

Edited by Missandei
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For the start - smash in PvP should be the single-target ability.


In reality - you should not expect too much from devs. They actually could do some nerfs to the smash spec. There will be a large article how the devs listen to the community and how after a huge research they tone down the damage of smash by 2%.


Because the goals for Eaware and community does not match. The community wants the fair game rules and relatively good class balance. And the Eaware wants newcomer casuals to enjoy the game. The newcomers in majority are picking the lore classes - JK or more likely SW. (wow! shiny glow sticks! and evil look!) So Eaware has made the gameplay of this two classes to be as much simple as it can be. You pick the JK/SW and start owning everyone! You feel great and proud of yourself! and eager to sub or buy CC....


Why there was an nerf to operatives in the first place? Because Operatives class while not being presented at the advertising cover was owning the classes that actually are at the adv cover!


Well its certanlly interesting, look what they did to sorcs (emperor) and i guess borking up that class had big backlash so now they are afraid to put marauders where they should be because most of bads play them (and thats most of playerbase along with assasins).


Anyway, they shown again and again they have absolutely NO clue what they are doing, PvP is in much worse state than it was at LAUNCH, and it will never be good becuase of their methods. Even in recent interview they said "we are satisfied with class balance" lolololololol, like they play certain other game and pretend its SWTOR rofl


But lot of us figured that back in january and their "balancing" in 1.2 that they dont actually balance classes but cater to bads (well even before that and operative debacle)


And of course legendary/mythical "team of operatives" lolololololol (i mean OFCOURSE you cant see them they have stealth AMIRITE!)

Edited by GrandMike
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