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Keeper of Mysteries


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I recently bought the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia which has loads of information about the factions surrounding the game, Sith, Jedi, Republic, Empire, Mandalorians, Hutts, Underworld... As well as info on all the planets.


One thing I found interesting though was the section on the Dark Council, where it lists all twelve spheres of influence. One of these is the 'Keeper of Mysteries' (said in a mysterious and magical sounding voice). All is said about this sphere is:


'The Keeper of Mysteries sphere is shrouded in secrecy. Only the sphere's controller, Darth Rictus, is known. The mysteries he shields remain unknown, but their importance is without question'


Very cryptic, first of all, this 'Darth Rictus' does not appear in the game, and I can't find any information about him at all. And secondly, there is already a sphere for Sith Philosophy and Ancient Knowledge, so what on earth could these mysteries be?



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I'm gonna say something... mysterious. lol


Seriously though. I think it will be something game changing. Maybe this Rictus fellow is going to pull a Baras and try to take control.


Hmmm, maybe. I'm thinking maybe he has something to do with Vitiates big plan


To destroy all life in the universe. After all, someone had to plan the mass genocide of those planets etc. and figure out the logistics of the whole thing.


It could be another extension of the Emperor's personal power base, like his hands, guards, children etc.


Also seems that only 4 of the twelve councillors (not including the inquisitor) are still alive after endgame. We could do we a recruitment campaign. :p

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Hmmm, maybe. I'm thinking maybe he has something to do with Vitiates big plan


To destroy all life in the universe. After all, someone had to plan the mass genocide of those planets etc. and figure out the logistics of the whole thing.


It could be another extension of the Emperor's personal power base, like his hands, guards, children etc.


Also seems that only 4 of the twelve councillors (not including the inquisitor) are still alive after endgame. We could do we a recruitment campaign. :p


That's a sound theory. Personall I would prefer if it didn't have anything to do with the plan. I would like to see it as some sort of flashpoint where Republic players have to deal with this Keeper. I suspect it could be on the same scale as the plan. Some sort of galaxy destroying... uh... thing. :D

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I never even knew that there was such a book out there until I saw this thread, apparently is going to be released on the 15th of October here in the UK. How come it hasn't even been mentioned on this website? Really strange I think they should advertise stuff like this or at least announce them. Anyway seeing that you've read it, I just wanted to ask you, is it any good and should I spend my money on it.


As for this Darth Rictus, I really have no idea what mysteries he guards. Though they must be very important if they assigned a Dark Council member to protect them, as someone suggested it probably has something to do with the Emperor and his plan. I hope this Darth Rictus makes an appearance in the game

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The Keeper of Mysteries keeps the mystery of what the Keeper of Mysteries keeps.


It is a cunning ploy to confuse the Jedi and the Republic, executed so well that it manages to confuse the Emperor, the rest of the Sith, and even the Jawas.


But seriously: the Keeper of Mysteries is likely responsible for recording and studying everything and anything that the Sith cannot explain.

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I never even knew that there was such a book out there until I saw this thread, apparently is going to be released on the 15th of October here in the UK. How come it hasn't even been mentioned on this website? Really strange I think they should advertise stuff like this or at least announce them. Anyway seeing that you've read it, I just wanted to ask you, is it any good and should I spend my money on it.


Thats what someone else said, but I live in the UK and when I looked it up. There was one that was avaliable on the 15th October, and then this one which was already available. So I bought it.


Whether you should? It depends how interested you are in the Old Republic. It is a very good guide, it starts of with a very detailed timeline of events up until now. Then information on the Republic, Empire, Sith, Jedi, Mandalorians, Hutt Cartels and the Underworld. Each one giving a detailed history/background with lots of pretty concept art :p, as well as loads of profiles on important characters. Its packed full of lore on Jedi and Sith as well as 5 double page spreads on each class (there are lots of spoilers in those parts) And finally its got a list of all the SWTOR planets, with one to two double page spreads on each. One of the bests things about it though, is the little nuggets of info, like this, that you can't find anywhere else and make you think.


(Another one of those I just found was at the end, it has a double page on the future of the conflict. It makes it out that they are losing but also says, 'the key to the Empire's victory is close at hand'.... make of it what you will)


Basically if you want to know more about the Old Republic and the game, then this is worth your money, you shouldn't worry about buying this because you think it might not be detailed enough, it is.



But back to the question, I'm thinking this has something to do with the Emperor. Another theory is that it has something to do with his personal study of achieving immortality etc. or maybe some secret propaganda sect that maintains adoration/obedience to the Emperor. Or maybe its just another pair of eyes...

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Future SI opponent? Sounds reasonable since he needs to become familiar with all his rivals on the Council. Maybe make an alliance with him or take control of his sphere? Since it sounds so hush-hush I think it would be easy to kill the Darth and assume his place in the sphere while controlling your own.


I like the implications. Interesting concept.

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Thats what someone else said, but I live in the UK and when I looked it up. There was one that was avaliable on the 15th October, and then this one which was already available. So I bought it.


Whether you should? It depends how interested you are in the Old Republic. It is a very good guide, it starts of with a very detailed timeline of events up until now. Then information on the Republic, Empire, Sith, Jedi, Mandalorians, Hutt Cartels and the Underworld. Each one giving a detailed history/background with lots of pretty concept art :p, as well as loads of profiles on important characters. Its packed full of lore on Jedi and Sith as well as 5 double page spreads on each class (there are lots of spoilers in those parts) And finally its got a list of all the SWTOR planets, with one to two double page spreads on each. One of the bests things about it though, is the little nuggets of info, like this, that you can't find anywhere else and make you think.


(Another one of those I just found was at the end, it has a double page on the future of the conflict. It makes it out that they are losing but also says, 'the key to the Empire's victory is close at hand'.... make of it what you will)


Basically if you want to know more about the Old Republic and the game, then this is worth your money, you shouldn't worry about buying this because you think it might not be detailed enough, it is.



But back to the question, I'm thinking this has something to do with the Emperor. Another theory is that it has something to do with his personal study of achieving immortality etc. or maybe some secret propaganda sect that maintains adoration/obedience to the Emperor. Or maybe its just another pair of eyes...


Thanks for the reply and for the link. I saw that there was one that was available now, but I didnt know if it was the proper one. I'm really into the Old Republic and if I must be honest I think its one of the best Star Wars eras, and if the book contains that much information/lore then its a must buy for me LOL.

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  • 9 months later...
I recently bought the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia which has loads of information about the factions surrounding the game, Sith, Jedi, Republic, Empire, Mandalorians, Hutts, Underworld... As well as info on all the planets.


One thing I found interesting though was the section on the Dark Council, where it lists all twelve spheres of influence. One of these is the 'Keeper of Mysteries' (said in a mysterious and magical sounding voice). All is said about this sphere is:


'The Keeper of Mysteries sphere is shrouded in secrecy. Only the sphere's controller, Darth Rictus, is known. The mysteries he shields remain unknown, but their importance is without question'


Very cryptic, first of all, this 'Darth Rictus' does not appear in the game, and I can't find any information about him at all. And secondly, there is already a sphere for Sith Philosophy and Ancient Knowledge, so what on earth could these mysteries be?




it says that he is the oldest dark counsel member even older than vowrawn on wookipedia.

I'm the 1st person to comment in almost a year

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Rictus isn't the only one in the sphere we know of.



In the Sith Inquisitor storyline, you encounter a Lord Anathemos on Taris who is in the sphere and has assassins working for him.



Also, take a look at your Legacy Panel. Look under the Reputation tab and read the description on the Dread Executioners. It says they were founded by Rictus. We can assume a couple of things from this:


* The Dread Executioners fall under Rictus' sphere,

* Lord Hargrev and Maiya Vix fall under this sphere,

* Darth Silthar was in this sphere. (Although, this would be kind of confusing given Silthar's close working relationship with the Reclamation Service, which falls under Ancient Knowledge.)

Interesting, I'd say its possible for a Sith to change spheres so Silthar is not necessarily a member of the Sphere of Mysteries... it appears to me though that this sphere is basically the assassin sphere. Given that Darth Ekkage used to be its leader, a legendary Sith assassin and leader of the Red Legion, whose specialised in assassination.


Though in general their role appears to be just to eliminate people.


Though the question is do they answer directly to the Emperor? And why mysteries? What are they hiding?

Edited by Beniboybling
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The "mysteries" have to do with the origins and nature of the Force itself, and the Celestials who gave the species of the galaxy the ability to use it. These will be explored in the Sequel Trilogy and Revenant trilogy.
Uh-huh, take your nonsense elsewhere please.
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