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Arash's Marauder Corner (Warning, it is a mess in here)


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Stopped reading after you didn't take short leap. This + the vindicator set is extremely viable and useful. However I can see why you went with the 30% aoe reduction because of all the smash monkies. The short leap + vindicator helps our burst which this class lacks.


Way to necro a months old thread dude. annihilation is no longer even remotely viable compared to the other two specs. This thread has been null since 1.4, and even more so since 1.5.

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Stopped reading after you didn't take short leap. This + the vindicator set is extremely viable and useful. However I can see why you went with the 30% aoe reduction because of all the smash monkies. The short leap + vindicator helps our burst which this class lacks.


Short leap is redundant. When you waste your force charge and get knocked back for 12 seconds as an Annihilation spec, it's not fun and usually ends up with you getting kited.


Glad your first statement was "Stopped reading after you didn't take short leap." shows your ignorance to other's viewpoints.


Anyways, I don't play Annihliation anymore. I messed around with it after the 1% nerf, but that was too much. My survivability is almost better as a Rage spec, healer or not, than Annihilation. Plenty of defensive CDs, good timing, still ****** and pillaging.


I wouldn't say that Annihlation is dead, but I agree that the overall damage that Rage puts out is too much for healers to handle, and can clear areas (with sufficiently skilled teammates, within moments).


Right now, Rage gets like an extra 7% damage reduction? I think it's 7%, but I could be wrong. Regardless, it's alot and I am running a 1396 expertise setup, which makes me even more difficult to kill.


I've been thinking if the Vindicator set bonus really is that important for Rage Maras, not sure. I think that it's sick for Carnage, great for Annihilation because most people try to create distance and you can compensate without any talents and use your force charge at > 10m. But I think with the reduced CD on Undying Rage, it may be nicer to have Undying Rage available every 45sec, as well as an extra 5m on Vicious Throw.

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^Interesting points. I've thought about that too. Setting up a high-powered smash, ie. building 4 shockwave, FC(with vin set bonus), smash, does not always yield a significant boost to dmg. Ok, maybe a little(the devil is in the details), but it is situational, based on opponent's gear/buffs/etc. For example, sometimes I'll do the above "high-powered" smash and get like 5k hits. Then other times I'll just have shockwave up and auto-crit from obliterate ticking and get 6k+ hits.


The 10% dmg bonus is situational and can be mitigated with a well timed stun/kb, whereas the reduced cd of UR and extra distance of VT are up all the time. I'm certainly not curious enough to want to grind out a 4pc set of WM gear to try it out though. ;)

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Right now, Rage gets like an extra 7% damage reduction? I think it's 7%, but I could be wrong.
From changing into juyo and back i see 5% DR differece with Defensive Forms, 3% without.

UPD: actually you're right, Undying adds 2% DR for all forms so it's 7%.


Considering set bonus — I used weaponmasters for a bit while gearing up, then switched to vindicators and I like it much more. Usually UR is off CD when i'm about to die, with or without those 15 seconds and even if opposite team has very good dps and i'm going down just to inerrupt that cap several times and die again it won't make that much of a difference, imo. In bm gear i did (almost) full power itemization with WM bonus. Currently, using vindicators bonus and ~250 crit smash hits about the same that it did with full power itemization and WM bonus. I also find it amazing for carnage when opponents don't stun/kb right after leap.

Edited by Alhxor
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