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Switched from Carnage to Annihilation, lvl 26


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Just wanted to share because a lot of people seem to either being doing really well or really bad with Marauder.


I switched from Carnage to Annihilation at level 26, on Tatooine, and have seen a vast improvement PvE wise. To me, it is a better spec. After I switched, I was able to kill the parts of Tatooine I was stuck on without even losing half of my health -- after dying over and over while Carnage spec.


My standard rotation for 'strong' and tougher is:

Force Charge, Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, Ravage, and Force Choke.


By the time I finish the rotation, they are usually at least down to 1/3 life, if not dead (level 30 now on Alderaan).


When taking on mobs of 2-3 regulars, my favorite is:

Mob 1. Force Charge, the Stomping One, Deadly Saber, Ravage;

Mob 2. Rupture and Force Choke; and

Mob 3. Whatever I can dish out.


There is a lot more to it, but I figured I would give a starting point.

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In beta I had a Jedi that used their version of Carnage. Personally I like Annilation much better as well. You simply do way more damage. You lose some utility, but the damage increase is worth it. And once you get two points into empowerment you almost feel like you generate too much rage. I was having to spam the hell out of VS not to cap rage last night in heroics. Edited by Nmaharg
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From what I've read/seen in game, Anni is much more viable up until you finish the tree. Once both are maxed, they both put out a pretty notable amount of damage. However, Carnage has a much more basic rotation, Anni is requires more timing and reaction, with as you see better result (more damage). I've been Anni since 10 and rarely die on the harder parts of the class quest chain, don't think I'll be going to Carnage any time soon.
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I said this in beta and early into release: Carnage doesn't have it's spec-defining capabilities until 30+ and particularly at 40. Massacre is major for the spec as a whole. The Force Scream buffs and Gore are also core.


Annihilation builds up much, much more strongly at low and mid levels for PvE, and at the end of the day it's still stronger for solo PvE due to the self-healing and such.

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I just dissed Carnage for Rage, since it seems like a good tree when you just read on the talents. But I don't know. It's the shared tree, which gives me creeps. I'll see what happens. :)

We need a bit more survivability though, maybe, some perma-buff that boosts defence. We do have two sabres, better odds for parrying, right?

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