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How to fight powertechs.


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How do i counter these gals and guys, when legshot not work, knockbak not work, and they proc my respawn

skill quite fast? Currently a SAB/DF hybrid, and sometimes i can kill them first, but more often then not, they get up close, and then i am toast.


Any good moment to hit my 100% dodge skill, or the shield? Or just hunker down, and let them eat all the stuff i can put at them? Just looking for some input, something to try out. What to watch for? I guess the bubble and weird stuff at their feet isn't exactly a debuff either.

Would a SS build be better? Or sab? Sorta like the hybrid, since ppl have gotten a lot "tankier" as of late.

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I am assuming that you are fighting advanced prototype PTs since you are talking about roots and knockbacks not working. Their “stuff” at their feet is a talent called “Hydraulic Overrides” which makes them immune to movement impairing effects and run 30% faster. The bubble is “Energy Shield”, which gives them additional 25% damage reduction against all damage types for 12 seconds.


Their main offense attack is Flame Thrower (Pulse Cannon for Vanguards). Their other attacks build damage buff for the flame throw. At 3 stacks, it gives them 60% increase damage for flame thrower, makes it uninterruptable, and snares hit target for 70% for the duration, and it does elemental damage. In other words, if the PT is not stunned when he is shooting flame thrower, you are cooked if you are caught in it.


Sab/DF hybrid has too little defense to fight against AP PT, and all the damage Sab/DF does is back-loaded. If the PT has Hydraulic Overrides up and 3 stacks of flame throw and running straight for you, you will eat all his damage before he eats yours. AP PT also specs for +30% AoE damage reduction, so all your AoE attacks against them is weak. Sab/DF and 31 Sab definitely got countered hard by the newly buffed 1.4 AP PT.


31 DF can do better against AP PT. Just make sure to save your Dirty Kick and Flash Grenade to interrupt Flame Thrower. But if the PT somehow got full resolve, 31 DF can still be pretty screwed. 31 DF’s damage is also back-loaded. I am not sure which would win in a DPS race. I think the AP PT can still win in a DPS race if he has Energy Shield up.


31 SS has the best chance against AP PT, because Hunker Down can be spec for 60% AoE damaged reduction while it is up. Flame Thrower is a cone AoE. With spec Hunker Down, Ballistic Dampener, and Sage buff. 31 SS can have 70-95% damage reduction defense against Flame Thrower. SS damage is also front-loaded. Use Flourish Shot to debuff the PT’s armor and pop Illegal Mods, and you can actually do enough DPS to even overpower Energy Shield buff. But the main winning ticket here is Hunker Down is effective defense against Flame Thrower.

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I find AP/Tactics alot easier to deal with then Pyro/AS. Probably because I play one and I know what's coming. Pretty much it's all going to come down to their PC/FT. If you save your Flash or Dirty Kick for that you should be fine. AP/Tactics is about sustained dps, so you can easily out burst them and win.
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Thanks for both replies. It was most helpful and informative. With some success, i use dirty kick, then run away, set up new cover and give them a new volley of wounding shots. Of course, not perfect, but neither should it be. If it was, we'd be overpowered. But at least i should have a fighting chance now :)
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How about to save Dodge just for such cases?


I found dodge to not help much against powertechs when they work their burst. Most often, i will save dodge for marauders/juggernauts and eat their ravage without a scratch, or if i see a snipers ambush locking on me.


(allright, i may take the first hit of ravage/masterstrike before i hit dodge :p)

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I found dodge to not help much against powertechs when they work their burst. Most often, i will save dodge for marauders/juggernauts and eat their ravage without a scratch, or if i see a snipers ambush locking on me.


(allright, i may take the first hit of ravage/masterstrike before i hit dodge :p)


Many uses for Evasion against plenty of classes, Ravage and Ambush are obvious, but..


Evasion is also great against Pyros, either use it immediately because you know a Rail shot is coming after the first burn or listen to their laugh, that means they are about to hit you with another Rail shot (reset proc thing).


Even better, use Diversion on them and go into cover for a full 70% ranged defense and 50% tech evasion. I don't think they stack much Accuracy in their min/max build. I've killed WH Pyros with 80% HP left 1v1.. and of course try to keep them at over 10m range ^^ It baffles them and they keep coming back for seconds only to get massacred again and again. Worked fine in 1.3, now in 1.4 it's child's play.

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Pre-50 (lv42) marksman sniper here.


I have learned that sometimes I just can't get a melee away from me. Often I can see it coming. If I can, this (or some variation depending on cooldowns) is what I do.



  1. Get in cover.
  2. Use Entrench (Hunker Down).
  3. Use shield probe.
  4. Use Diversion when they get in range. Powertech/Vanguard have some nasty tech attacks which ignore dodge but it still helps alot.
  5. Try to get the first shot, usually Shatter Shot & Series of Shots/Speed Shot.
  6. Use Sniper Volley/Burst Volley if SoS/Speed Shot is on cooldown, followed by Series of Shots, Ambush, try to root them if the knockback worked, then continue DPS while the alacrity & energy regen are still active, using whatever rotation is appropriate.
  7. Interrupt any channelled attack they use.
  8. Use Dodge or melee stun when shield probe wears off.
  9. Use my remaining cooldown and/or a medpack if need be.


I very often win like that. Not always - some people know how to counter that combo or are just too darn tough. In order of difficulty (so far) :


#1: Powertech/Vanguard - un-dodgeable tech attacks and ability to absorb alot of damage.

#2 : Tank/hybrid-spec force users. Absorb lots of damage, snare me alot, can be immune to knockback/snare/root/CC.

#3 : Soundrel/Operative and DPS Shadow/Assassin can be pretty nasty but I find most of them depend too much on their initial from-stealth burst and lack the gap-closers to finish me off after I knock them back.


And if all else fails, I run for help if I can or just survive and delay the cap as long as possible.


Lastly, I should point out I don't have to do that cooldown-spam too frequently. I'm usually with other people even in PUGs, and can afford to ration the use of defensive cooldowns. That, and since melees can't leap to targets that are in cover, staying with a group and in cover means they're more likely to leap at a sage or commando, leaving me free to shoot them until they die.



I'm sure I've missed something, but like I said that often works for me. I'm sure I'll have to adapt as my opponents get better.

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