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Turret Locked on Imperial Ship


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This has been broke now for a few days. It seems all of the " training " WZs are bugged now and one side is called the Imps or Pubs regardless of both teams being one of the same. And to add to it, now 7 and 6 man warzones are the norm. They have to do some serious bug squashing the next maintenance.
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Yes, and there's a queuing bug too where a group won't pop ever unless you log out. I really hate the 6/7 man WZ's. My guildies were in a WZ with 2 extra spaces, and I was queued but it never popped so they played 2 players short. When we all finally made it in to a WZ, one of my guildmates died and rezzed inside the wall. He wasn't able to use the unstuck command for 90 seconds so the WZ booted him. There's so many bugs. I'm really hoping they take the game down tomorrow to fix the bugs and the stuttering lag.


Edit to Add: Though it's not a good sign that I've received NO responses from any of my bug reports. :(

Edited by americanaussie
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says the Republic Commander proudly to my team on the Civil War WZ after we captured the node....only problem is I'm a Sith......not a jedi. :p


Anyone else get the republic voice over when playing on the imperial team?


And when it's Republic vs Republic the opposite team is no longer a simulation training, etc, they are marked as Imperials and says the Imperials win/loss. This occurs on Novare Coast and Civil War.


Kind of /facepalm moments and another broken thing or bug to add to 1.4's list.

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