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SWTOR Calendar


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Does anyone think they should have a SWTOR calendar that features full colour pictures of a different companions each month? Obviously they would only have pictures of ones that are considered the most important, most main and most favourite companions. They could do a survey to see what companions people want it the calendar the most. Maybe they could have different companions in the calendar each year. I know I would definately buy it but the highest amount I would pay for it would be £29.99, I wouldn't go over that. They have calendars for the Star Wars movies so why not?


Obviously everyones obvious choices would be the companions that you can romance. It honestly would be the most kick *** calendar ever in my opinion. Maybe you could have one with female companions in for the lads and one with male companions in for the ladies? or alternatively you could have one for the empire and one for the republic but I would prefer a mish mash between the two as I am a republic and empire player. I know some people are only one or the other. I think also there should be some months where it has characters that aren't companions but you can romance them anyway, and the following list is just my suggestion and an example of what I would want it to be like, obviously if they ever made it, it wouldn't be exactly like this but you get the jist of it. I haven't included some companions such as Mako because I haven't played the bounty hunter class so I have no idea what she's like.


January: Kira Carsen

February: Malavai Quinn

March: Elara Dorne

April: Jaesa Willsaam

May: Doc

June: Vette

July: Ensign Raina Temple

August: Kaliyo

September: Lieutenant Pierce

October: Aric Jorgan

November: Watcher Two

December: Darth Lachris and The Grathans (the mother and daughter)


So there we have it guys, and responses to this from other players and the official swtor forum account would be much appreciated as I would like to hear your opinions on this matter. I'm just giving you products ideas considering you've made swtor lego and all that. Obviously if you can get the rights from George Lucas and everything I would say go ahead and do it. Just an idea so you can gain more profit. :)

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