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Female Sith Warrior and Quinn

Quick one-shot, drabble-y thing. Usually stuff - allusion to Quinn incident (this is per-incident), vaugely romance like stuff, bit of angst.

Hope you enjoy :D




When I return from the refresher, she is still awake.


She lies on her back. Like always. Her small chest rising and falling under the covers. Her arms gleamed in the low fluorescent light from sweat. The covers clung to her body, swallowing her for themselves. I stand in the door way. Watching. Always watching.


Pale skin shining against her dark tattoos; they twist around her eyes like black flames climbing up her body to reach the sky. Unseen, their dark tentacles slither down the rest of her body. They twirl around her chest and form a dark rib cage under her delicate chest. They form a spine down her back.


It is hard to imagine such a small creature creating such devastation. She stands in the centre of flames and crashing buildings, the world falling around her, the bulky beast of her malevolent heart remaining caged in her slight body as she tears down the world around her. She is determined to be someone, even if she pulls down the universe around her. Such large, impossible ambitions.


My heart slightly pulls me. It tries to escape the cage of my ribs and lie with her in the crumpled, hard bed. Part of it breaks in the effort to remind it of our duty. Of our Master. I shake my head and walk to her bedside. She smiles up at me. Her body shifts to be on a slight angle. And I want her. I want her so much. I lie down and have her again.


Her legs are twisted around my body. Vines that try to keep me still and in bed. I stroke her short tangled locks as I think of all the work there still is to do. She purrs lightly. The pumping lead in my chest sinks my body. It's too heavy and I can't move when everything else is begging me to. I shake my head.


'What's bothering you, Quinn?' Her voice is a low murmur. It sounds sleepy and wistful. I almost detect a note of impatience. I dismiss it.


'Nothing my Lord. Standard system checks are all clear. The ship and crew are operating at peak efficiency.' I am brisk.


'And what about you Quinn? Are you operating at peak efficiency?' Her long fingers run trails from my chest to my groin. I ignore her insinuation.


'Not in all areas, my Lord. There is something I wish to communicate with you, but I had been waiting for a moment of privacy such as this.' I relax my body. My eyes close as I concentrate on keeping my heart still. I pump ice into my soul.


The pause continues. She does not move. Her hand lingers there. Such a poor attempt at distraction. Her chest is dancing a slow rhythm. I wonder if there is a heart inside it. Yes, only a breathing being can hold so much hatred.


'I'm falling in love with you.' Her heart continues to beat slow and steady. The tempo continues with no break, even and calm. Thump, thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump.


I cannot look at her. This isn't real. This is all a lie. My brain knows this is not anything more than an elaborate ploy. It just needs to convince my heart a little more.


There is still no reply.


'And what's more I think you are falling in love with me too.' The tempo continues. Thump, thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump.

Something inside me, long forgotten and shrouded in dust, creaks.


'Am I wrong?'


Thump, thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump.


There is only silence. It shatters like glass. A tiny breath, a small word, and this old thing will fall apart to become nothing more than tiny particles of dust. To never fit together again. The logic in me denies its existence. It is not rationale. I am not being rationale.


And it isn't for many minutes more, that I realise she was asleep.


Somehow, what was broken mends. Small gaps here and there. And a dull ache left in its place. I will move it to a forgotten corner of my body and carry out my duty.


Because she never heard. So I will pretend it was never said.


Is this sadness or relief?




His heart fluctuates. It is torn between two loyalties.


The blood slows in the silence. I sense his control. But when he speaks, it speeds up. It deafens my ears and rings in my head. Each beat is another closer to betrayal. His betrayal.

I sneer at such failure. To attempt wooing me into love was a foolish cause and poorly construed. To make another love you yet love them yourself. Such incompetence. Such weakens. A spot on a shiny shoe. Hypocrite.


I feign sleep. It is easier this way. For who?


I have broken him. His cold demeanour is shattered and he cannot see the pieces lying on our rooms cold, hard floor amongst our torn and discarded clothes. I have torn his arrogance in protocol from him like I ripped his clothes. I needed to worm my way into his heart and grow there. Feeding there and seeping him of all his strength and everything he was. An eternal parasite of the heart. I will only admit that I respected him. He had potential. And intelligence. But he chose the wrong side.


Yes, it is better that it is this way. In a week, when we stand and fight and he is dead at my feet, he will be glad in those last moments that everything had remained unsaid.


This is the only mercy he will every receive.




If you liked this, here's a link to a better and older Quinn x Sith Warrior one-shot that I wrote:



Comments are always nice by the way....

Edited by EverSteam
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