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Gunnery...really..I mean Really???????


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Are they really wanting everyone to roll assault/pyro?? Gunnery was bad enough before about getting away from people or putting distance between us and melee, but now it has just gone beyond retarded. I'm specced into concussive force, and stock strike doesn't stun anyone in pvp, and concussion charge doesn't knock anyone back in pvp...neither works, and i have pvp about 6 hours and neither worked any time i used them regardless of rersolve. Upon asking Gen Chat...the response was working as intended...as stock strike stun and knockback from concussion charge only apply in pve.....lolololol.

So i guess if melee ever makes it to me i'm just fubar right? more so than i even was to begin with. Atleast with assault/pyro i can run and gun and not have to be a stationary target.....so what exactly is the point of gunnery in pvp now...to be a free kill for the other side???????

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Gunnery has been a free kill in PVP for a long time. A few people insisted they could make it work so BW nerfed our utility (WHO KNEW THERE WAS ANY UTILITY TO NERF?) to get clear the stubborn ones out.


Honestly my Commando is staying shelved in PVP till they fix it. Having too much fun on my shadow atm anyway.

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