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1.4 Shii-cho Zen


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This Zen needs a remake, i'm not saying its bad but the problem is its only useful when you absolutely are completely empty of focus and have no other ways to build focus up. And another thing that makes this annoying is when you're full of focus it still drains the charges. So either make it like this...

- Spends 1 charge every 0.5 seconds while you're at or below 10 Focus.


Plz BW?

Edited by PowerReaper
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I feel as though you are using it the wrong way. The real benefit of Zen for a Focus spec is the 4 charges of Singularity it creates.

You pop Zen for the 4 charges so you can line up another Sweep. You don't (very rarely perhaps) pop Zen in order to get focus.


The 1.4 changes have caused Focus Sentinels to be absolutely focus saturated in my opinion. You can always use Zelous Strike (or Leap) for that extra focus too, rather than wasting a Zen on it.


I understand the issue of having 'wasted focus' because you will almost always cap out your focus from popping Zen but think of that as just a bonus. The real effect of Zen is 4 Singularity charges. The full bar of focus you now have allows you to spam Slash, Blade Storm etc until you can line up another Sweep.

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The 1.4 changes have caused Focus Sentinels to be absolutely focus saturated in my opinion. You can always use Zelous Strike (or Leap) for that extra focus too, rather than wasting a Zen.


That's how I feel about Focus too; I'm flooded with focus--which going back to the original poster's complaint I would like to use Zen for something other than a quick 4-stack of Singularity. Between throwing Force Exhaustion or Force Stasis on someone I don't find myself needing help getting stacks of Singularity either.


Zen isn't necessarily "broken" for Focus builds, but it's utility is very lackluster. Something like increasing armor penetration X% for Y number of attacks would have been nice...

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I don't see how you get focus capped. It takes zen 3 seconds to build 12 focus. in 3 secs you can use 2/3 abilities to dump a part of that focus. don't tell me you stand around and wait for the focus to build and move afterwards?


If everything is on cooldown, then yes I've got nothing to do but spam slash until something finally comes off cooldown.

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If everything is on cooldown, then yes I've got nothing to do but spam slash until something finally comes off cooldown.


You have just summarized the entire focus spec. Whether zen works like pre- or post-1.4, essentially it's just spamming slash until something better isn't on CD anymore. This is why the spec is so easy and also why that is not a valid argument to use for why something regarding zen should change.

Edited by Stealios
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People dont use cyclone slash enough.


Minimal damage, unpredictable targeting, insane Focus-cost in comparison to usefulnes... You might want it in Voidstar of Novare Coast when protecting objectives, but that's really all. Before 1.2 it was better, because you could get the Focus cost to only 1. Nowdays... pretty much useless.

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