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Spec Question


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Ok so I know our class technically falls under a healer/DPS classification. This is one of the main things that attracted me to the Commando! Every MMO I have played, either DPS'ing or healing has been my niche every time, and any time I get a class that does both, I have a minor nerdgasm. Sadly, with this class I usually only see the DPS part. Sure, we have like 2 or 3 basic healing moves ww can use, but that is hardly enough to really put "healer" in class description. But I stray from my main point. If I were to spec down combat medic to increase my healing abilities, thus increasing my utility, thus increasing my usefulness in groups, would I lose too much DPS? Obviously I am going to lose some, but to anyone who actually uses combat medic spec (if anyone) how is the DPS? Is it still respectable or does it take forever to kill stuff? Also, I mainly PvE, and very seldomnly PvP, but I will play about 2 or 3 PvP rounds a day. Thanks in advance for any replies!
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While I am not experienced as a combat medic, I can say that going through that tree will yield less dps than both gunnery and assault but should be able to keep up. What I really wanted to point out is the use of hybrid speccing. Putting points into two trees (equally or not) can help bring up the dps of a medic as well as the healing abilities. Of course your healing or dps wont be as strong as going into just one tree but some people play better with hybrid classes. I vaguely remember there being some hybrid guides in this section, try searching and you can find more information if you want.
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in PVE, you are going to dps OR heal, not both



it would be completely imbalanced if you could dps as well as gunnery or assault as a combat medic


that said, as a combat medic, you get a 3% boost to damage with a full charge, and super charge cells gives you a 5% boost to damage and makes charged bolts free, so super charge is great for burst situations when healing isn't necessary



if you are worried about speccing as a healer for groups and then soloing as a healer and taking forever, i would suggest just bringing out a dps companion to cover some of the slack

also, as the above poster suggested, using a hybrid spec is good for leveling. if you go this route, i would suggest going into combat medic enough to get kolto bomb, then spending the rest of your points in gunnery (it synergizes a lot better with combat medic than assault)

Edited by oaceen
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