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>> 2 Week Renewable Subscription Option vs 1 Month Subscriptions


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New Content Promised: Every 6 weeks

Current Monthly Subscription Renewal: Every 4 Weeks

Problem: I think it's obvious


Suggestion: Allow a 2 week renewable subscription option in addition to current subscription options

Reason: Bioware stated that one of the main reasons for going F2P was that people couldn't afford or didn't want to pay a subscription. I would like to add to that. Many people at level 50 who PvE and PvP frequently, and are in guilds who are able to clear content on an average to very quick pace, feel that the amount of content released cannot keep up with the amount of content demanded. This is why I am suggesting a 2 week renewable subscription option. For people who play games for the content, can clear it at a reasonable pace, then just go idle till the next content patch. I feel that this may relieve some of the pressure and stress both players and developers have for new content. I also cannot see why we should pay a 1month subscription for content every 1.5months, it doesn't make sense, even if you are a super casual player, you should be able to clear or at least try everything way before 1.5months.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I would support this, caveated that it cost more money.


The current monthly rate is what, $14.99 USD? Paying three months at a time reduces that to $13.99 USD/month, and paying 6 months at a time reduces it to $12.99 USD/month.


So it's only fair that someone choosing to pay more often, with the explicit logic that they may want to end their subscriptions every other week, should be required to pay more. Call it $15.99 USD/month (or $7.99 USD/15 days).

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I would support this, caveated that it cost more money.


The current monthly rate is what, $14.99 USD? Paying three months at a time reduces that to $13.99 USD/month, and paying 6 months at a time reduces it to $12.99 USD/month.


So it's only fair that someone choosing to pay more often, with the explicit logic that they may want to end their subscriptions every other week, should be required to pay more. Call it $15.99 USD/month (or $7.99 USD/15 days).


Different pay rate or not, it's still a better option for people who get through content quickly. I'm glad you support the idea.

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