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Arsenal Mercs Nerfed Again Against Marauders Ravage + Snipers


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Patch 1.3

Marauder: Charge Gore Ravage

Arsenal Merc Counter Options: Rocketpunch knockback (9sec), electrodart stun(1min), jetboost knockback(25-30sec), power surge(2min) + concussion missile(45sec-1min + cast time)


Sniper: Any cast or channeled ability

Arsenal Merc Counter Options: Rocketpunch knockback (9sec), electrodart stun(1min + 10m Range), jetboost knockback(25-30sec), power surge(2min) + concussion missile(45sec-1min + cast time)


Patch 1.4

Arsenal Mercs lose their short cooldown interrupt (9sec) against non-interruptable channeled abilities and sniper abilities. We are now even more so cannon fodder. We were already weak against classes who can interrupt us, so why not buff THEM some more by not allowing us to stop their damage effectively?


@ Developers: Do you read the mercenary forums?

Edited by DkSharktooth
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