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CM/Gunnery hybrid - sub 50


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Hi guys, a few weeks ago i started a CM/gunn hybrid, primarily for sub 50 pvp with guildies, Now i accept that this build might not have a place in ranked and certainly not in end game pve, it is great fun for levelling and for sub 50 pvp.


My initial burst damage is quite good, i go plasma grenade -sticky grenade - HIB - full auto and a couple of hammershots will normally kill non tanks.


At level 25 i have just specced into the shield skill that allows no interrupts on heals which is really helpfull.


I have specced 3 points for now in assault for the armour pen bonus on full auto and HIB which are a big part of my dps. I suspect i will have to drop these as i progress to benefit from the other trees properly.


I normally pump out 170-200k dps and 50-70k heals



Are any of you guys running a similar spec and would care to share skill or rotation tips?

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For my second commando I have similar spec. Maybe exactly the same. It is fun to play. With good gear you can even outdps pure dps (10-49).


I am not sure about it in 50 but with 2 piece bonus from combat medic and combat tech it can be very annoying. I will try to get tons of alacrity. Fast channeling, immune to interrupts and decreased cooldown of tenacity. Ammo management will be awfull but for me it is worth to try. I know I will never get to top dps/heals with it but still can be support we are ment to be.

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