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WTB Server Merger with Ebon Hawk


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Right now.


Give free option to transfer to a PvP server as well.


Roleplayers get to get free transfers to RP server so we can actually RP with a community.


Non RPer PvPers who are just here for the ruleset get to have more people to play with


Everybody wins.


Our server pop sucks Bioware, we're the only light pop server on the map. Just nuke it.

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Right now.


Give free option to transfer to a PvP server as well.


Roleplayers get to get free transfers to RP server so we can actually RP with a community.


Non RPer PvPers who are just here for the ruleset get to have more people to play with


Everybody wins.


Our server pop sucks Bioware, we're the only light pop server on the map. Just nuke it.


I like how it is now. I meet a lot other players in every zone so far and even too much as sometimes even at lvl 27 i find the quest target location empty of enemies because already recently previously stormed by another...


I am also on Shadowlands and there the problem is of course worst but adding to that in some zones i have so much lag i just log out to come back off peak or play on Jung Ma.


If you speak about heroics and the difficulty to find a group, the problem may be elsewhere. As far as i am concerned i did group once for the Esseles. I kept having others being impatient and pushing me to just hit space to skip cinematics. I didn't enjoy the experience at all and now i just wait a few levels to solo them and actually enjoy it.


If you speak of PvP i don't do battlegrounds, i am on a PvP server to have PvP option everywhere else to do PvP in battlegrounds i would be on a regular server.


Sorry, you don't like it here i understand but then transfer to another server and no merge please. I like the server being RP, PvP and with not a too high population...

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