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Anyone can tell me which class is best.

And by best I mean most powerfulest and most intreseting story and best good looking gear.

I dont care if its in republic or empire.


Well, let's see:


Most powerful - in PVP, if I'm correct, it's Marauder (Sith Warrior advanced class) and Sentinel (Jedi Knight advanced class)


Most interesting Story - everyone says the Imperial Agent has the most interesting story.


Best looking gear - what is your personal taste? I think most people would consider the Juggernaut gear (Juggernaut is an advanced class for Sith Warrior) as the best looking. But Trooper isn't bad either.

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Any class can be best, it all depends on the player. I found the Imperial Agent has the most compelling story, and the best looking gear (I really hate the looks of heavy armour, with the possible exception of a few Trooper sets, and there aren't many decent looking light armour sets around either). Then again, that's a matter of taste of course :)
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Well, let's see:


Most powerful - in PVP, if I'm correct, it's Marauder (Sith Warrior advanced class) and Sentinel (Jedi Knight advanced class)


Most interesting Story - everyone says the Imperial Agent has the most interesting story.


Best looking gear - what is your personal taste? I think most people would consider the Juggernaut gear (Juggernaut is an advanced class for Sith Warrior) as the best looking. But Trooper isn't bad either.

The only thing I disagree with is most powerful... Powertech or Vanguard both have the utility in PVE of being able to tank and can be friggin ridiculous in PVP if you L2P and gear well.
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