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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

we need stickies in suggestion forum.


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as the title say. Daily or at least weekly we see the same posts on companons and minigames and legacy and pvp.. We need 5-10 stickies for the most suggested so we can keep beter track on what´s allready suggested and we can f.x. post in the companon sticky if we got an idea for companons.


i would like a sticky thread for:





daily quests



socialising (chatbupples, sitting on chairs emotes and stuff)


maybe i forget one or two, but it would be nice to have a main thread for the most suggested on the front page so we get less spam of threads we´ve allready seen a dozen of before.

Edited by Petnil
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just looking at headlines on page 1. Not sure there´s even 1 suggestion that haven´t allready been made. Maybe that´s part of the reason we dont get feedback. But then again there´s no feedback in the original thread.


Imo this should be the most active CM forum. We should see posts every day, or at least several times pr. week.

Ofc customer service is more important, but aside from that. Give more attention to suggestions. Some of them are realy good, and we would love some feedback as to if you like them or not.

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Plz make this happen, it would be alot easier to keep a discussion going. Ex. legacy or minigames with a stickied post on those areas would hopefully get less new threads and we could se more discussion in the stickied threads and more new threads with actuall new suggestions. We realy need some stickies for those suggestions that keep coming up every other day in another thread.
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