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Hybrid build


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As we all know hybrid builds don't work that well with Sent, so I was bored and put some thing together. Used it in acouple of games and I do decent with it, just wondering what you guys think. You get the burns of Watchman with some burst of Combat. You run it in Ataru form.




If you guys don't like it, is there any other hybrid builds you know?

Edited by HeavensTerror
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Here's a thread about a watchman/combat hybrid build that works really well for solo play & 1 vs 1.

It's played in juyo form.

I've played it quite some time and really love it, recently switched back to combat for ranked because you burst better & more often and don't need self healing with 2 dedicated healers on the team.



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Combat already is an anti-kite build. Not sure what you're trying to achieve by this one.


- You didn't take defensive roll, so you'll die alot quicker by aoe dmg.

- Didn't take 30% crit dmg on blade storm, so it won't hit really hard.

- Didn't take 'Blade rush' so no guaranteed proc of ataru form.

- You don't have focused slash, so focus management will be horrible


- You took insight, which is pointless since your only 'regularly used' force attack is bladestorm which should only be used with combat trance active so it's auto crit

- Took swelling winds to do what?


- You took zealous leap which is a nice gap closer, hits nice but costs focus as well.


So essentially you lost 4 good things and only got 1 decent thing back.


EDIT: also noticed you didn't take reduced cooldown on zealous strike. So I imagine this build doesn't really work

Edited by Stealios
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Combat already is an anti-kite build. Not sure what you're trying to achieve by this one.


- You didn't take defensive roll, so you'll die alot quicker by aoe dmg.

- Didn't take 30% crit dmg on blade storm, so it won't hit really hard.

- Didn't take 'Blade rush' so no guaranteed proc of ataru form.

- You don't have focused slash, so focus management will be horrible


- You took insight, which is pointless since your only 'regularly used' force attack is bladestorm which should only be used with combat trance active so it's auto crit

- Took swelling winds to do what?


- You took zealous leap which is a nice gap closer, hits nice but costs focus as well.


So essentially you lost 4 good things and only got 1 decent thing back.


EDIT: also noticed you didn't take reduced cooldown on zealous strike. So I imagine this build doesn't really work


Thanks for the feedback, I took what you said a fixed a few things. 0/30/11



I really don't want Insight, but it's the only way to advance the tree and still be useful. (all the others are Shii-Cho)


Swelling Winds is great. Just because you're combat doesn't mean you don't use Sweep or Cyclone. Pretty much you are giving up Blade Rush for another gap closer. You are also gaining better AoE, healing, and Slash.

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Lot of sorcs tend to spec for root on knockback, so you'll have to use Camo anyway to close that gap. Assuming you position yourself correctly, you'll be in range in next GCD anyway, so Zealous Leap will only waste focus.

Increased crit chance on Slash is not that good, since slash itself doesn't have 30% bonus to crit damage.

Ataru strikes are probably way below half of what they should be doing.

You can't even perform Zen Precision spam unless at 9 focus minimum


And all you get in return is second leap. Not even a tool to stay in range, as pure combat already has more of those than you usually need. If leap is all you want, I would suggest going full Focus(in 1.4 it gets way better and less boring). You may like your build, but I sincerely doubt anyone else will share that sentiment.

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