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Shadows, My first Fan Fic


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Hello everyone, been awhile since I've posted. I have started writing my first fanfic written within the world of TOR. All the details won't be canonically correct I'm sure but it's just for fun! I'm using my in-game characters for the story. Tell me what you think! Hope you enjoy!


- Part 1 -

“Master and Apprentice”


"Begin the take over” said Lord Visious coldly into his comlink.


And with that order, the battle had begun. The separatist faction on Ord Mantel opened fire on the Republic Enclave taking out a wave of unsuspecting troopers and civilians. As Republic soldiers returned fire, Lord Visious walked towards the Republic General’s quarters. He would eliminate the General and take this planet, an important trade route in the Outer Rim, for the Empire. This triumph could grant him a seat on the Dark Council, he thought to himself as a chilling grin settled upon his face.


“Come, my apprentice” he motioned towards the black, hooded figure behind him. “We have much to do.”


“You are in direct violation of the Treaty of Coruscant” said General Hilde of the Republic Special Forces brigade.


Lord Visious eyes met his, and he felt a horrible pressure building up inside his head.


“You can do whatever you want to me, Sith, but you will never destroy the Republic!”


He was choking, he could feel his wind pipe closing and could feel mucus building inside his throat. He was drowning on his own fluids. He mustered all his strength and reached for the blaster pistol on the table in front of him. The weapon discharged and the Sith Lord instinctually deflected the bolt with his lightsaber. But it was enough to distract him and the General felt the hard grip leave his throat and air flow back into his lungs.


“You fool!” shouted Lord Visious, his face red with anger.


Bang! The General was kicked to the floor by a heavy, black boot. And a blood red lightsaber was now staring him in the face. His eyes met the Sith Lords once again, but the look was different. His eyes contained an unquenchable thirst, the kind a reptile has before it eats its prey. “I will enjoy killing you.”


Lord Visious raised his saber, eager to tear through the flesh of this pathetic man. But he would do it slowly; he enjoyed the sound of suffering. It was his symphony, his ode to the Dark Side. Just as he was ready to deliver the punishing blow, a piercing sound filled the room. The ignition of a lightsaber. He turned to see his apprentice standing there ready to challenge him. “Let the General go!”


Lord Visious smiled wildly as lightening bolts emanated from his fingertips, striking his apprentice and pushing him to the floor. His apprentice didn’t scream, which angered the Sith Lord further. He poured all his energy into his lightning. But was surprised when he felt a hand reaching for his throat, it was the General, taking the opportunity to strike. The Sith Lord turned and pushed his saber into the man’s head, leaving a blackened, cauterized hole where his face used to be. His apprentice stood, recovering from the brutal attack surprisingly fast, and sprang towards his Master and their sabers locked together, only one would leave this place alive.


And so it began, the classic battle of Master and Apprentice.


“I knew you were weak, you could never be a true Sith” shouted Lord Visious as their sabers clashed again. The apprentice ignited the other end of his double bladed lightsaber. The battle was becoming faster paced now, both of them fighting to the best of their ability. This was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment he would strike down his Master. The moment he would become a Sith Lord, and in doing so, would infiltrate the ranks of the Sith. He showed no sign of emotion, he was calm, he was collected, and he was Jedi.


A person not attuned to the force wouldn’t be able to see the intricate web of strikes connecting and disconnecting, clashing and sparking. They would only see red swirls and zig zags and two blurred figures engaging in a frenzied dance of light and sound. The two were evenly matched, and the Sith Master was surprised at his apprentice’s skill. He had figured out by now that his apprentice was, in fact, a Jedi. He was angry that he could be deceived so easily. It was not like the Jedi to use these kinds of tactics. How could he be so easily fooled? He would not allow this Jedi scum to kill him, they would all pay for their deception.


The apprentice swung his saber around again and it clashed against his Master’s. 'This battle was going nowhere' he thought to himself, 'it will be back and forth like this all day.' He needed an upper hand, something to give him the edge. 'Concentrate, use the Force.'


He closed his eyes for a brief second and through the Force he noticed a series of wires being used to power the holo-projector in the middle of the room. As they battled, he waited until his Master’s back was towards them. ‘Just take one step back, okay, now!’ he thought as he threw his saber and they exploded and sparked causing a brief second of confusion for the Sith Lord. That second decided the battle.


The Sith Lord winced as he felt something pierce through his stomach, something sharp. It wasn’t the type of pain he would expect from a lightsaber. It was a cold pain, an immense pain. He felt his intestines being pulled from his body, the scent of hot blood filled his nostrils, and his temperature began to rise. The apprentice pulled a small vibro-knife out from his Master’s stomach, and reattached it to his belt. Lord Visious fell to his knees, kneeling in a pool of his own blood. He smiled his cold, reptilian smile and said “Go ahead, kill me!” He longed for the darkness, it called to him.


The apprentice ignited his lightsaber once more, and prepared for the final strike.

Edited by GodsShredder
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