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Mercenary PVP problem solved with a version of cover


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Seriously, give mercs cover that gives a % increase to defense. They dont necessarily need to be uninterruptable the way a sniper or gunslinger is, but a cover with a slightly higher defense capability of a sniper/gunslinger. That will fix the complaining and balance the class. Have you ever watched a Marine go into battle and just kinda hang out in the middle of nowhere WITHOUT taking cover? If he came out of cover it was for a damn good reason and he probably earned a purple heart or a posthumous CMoH.... Same for a Bounty Hunter. We should have a "take cover" option.




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I'd have to agree with EirikDahl.


My reasoning is this: Bounty Hunters don't seem like they'd fit as a turret class. Why? Because of the jet packs. I realize that in-game they aren't used VERY often (not counting jet charge), but the point of having a jet pack in the first place is for mobility, is it not? This is why this class strikes me as one that should be designed with decent mobility instead of defenses.

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