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<Shadow Dragon Universe> Recruiting for 16man HM Terror & Ranked Warzones


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<Shadow Dragon Universe> (Empire)




  • Recruiting Top Raiders for "Terror From Beyond" 16man Hard Mode.
  • All current content is on farm.
  • Raid Times: W,TH 8:30pm-12 EST.
  • Alt Raid Times: Sun 8:00pm EST. Your trial is the alt raid. If you do well, you get into the main raid.
  • Parser Required: Mox Desktop Parser
  • Voice Comm Required: Ventrilo



Open Recruitment:


  • Warrior
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Imperial Agent
  • Inquisitor





  • Recruiting Top PvPers for Ranked Warzones. Our players range from 2200-2600+ rating. We play to WIN. You are expected to be amazing.
  • Que Times: Friday 9:30pm EST (Subject To Change)



Contact Us:


  • Whisper Skillxx, Skillex, or Britva for more info.


Edited by DkSharktooth
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