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Update Regarding the next tale in the "Of Blood and Honor" series! Please Read/Reply


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Hi everyone.


After a lot of arguing with myself and some back-and-forth in my head with Apocalypsa herself, I've decided to continue on with the Of Blood and Honor series. To this end, I have begun work on my latest novella, Of Blood and Honor - Jailbreak.


It's been brought to my attention that my characters have begun to expand beyond the realm of ToR-specific fan fiction and have become simply Star Wars fan fiction in which the main characters simply had a portion of their backgrounds provided for me.


Apocalypsa Cadera has grown from being my ToR Bounty Hunter to being my favorite character I have ever written about in any setting. Torian, while still BioWare's character, has also grown beyond that which was given to me by the game, to the point where I almost feel as possessive of him as I do Apoc.


It's with this feeling in mind that I have decided to link the Of Blood and Honor series with my first piece of fan fiction, In the Shadows - A Smuggler's Tale. Before there was Apocalypsa and Torian, there was Lillian, Corso, Umbral, Quinn, Isad'ia, and Doc.


These characters also all have their spots in my heart, and I would like to write about them again. Bringing them into the Of Blood and Honor series will allow me to do that. This effort is taking me a little longer than I would like, but the results should be worth the wait. Some of you may have noticed Lillian and Corso's cameo in Jedi Hunt. Though I never mentioned them by name, I hoped that the silver-eyed smuggler and the dreadlocked farmboy would be noticed by some of you.


I have also decided that I would like to apologize to the fan fiction community here for my annoyance at the lack of replies to my stories. I shouldn't take it so very personally when my work doesn't garner hundreds of comments within two hours of posting it. My stories are very long, and it takes time for other people to read them. Technically they aren't short stories, but are instead novellas. I can't expect everyone to read them in an hour or even two hours. So, I am sorry that I got angry after posting my last story, and promise to be more patient in the future!


For those of you who have not yet read my work, I invite you to do so now. There are three novellas total, beginning with In the Shadows - A Smuggler's Tale, then Of Blood and Honor - A Mandalorian Vacation, followed by Of Blood and Honor - Jedi Hunt.


In the Shadows centers around the gunslinger Lillian Riggs, the Sith Lord Darth Umbral, and the Twi'lek Jedi Master, Isad'ia. While on a mission to smuggle weapons to the Corellian resistance, Captain Riggs is captured by Darth Umbral's right hand, Captain Malavai Quinn. Taken to the frozen world of Hoth, Lillian is tortured and interrogated by the cold-hearted Sith Lord. Alerted to the abduction by SIS agents on Ord Mantell, Jedi Master Isad'ia travels to Hoth to rescue the smuggler and face the Dark Lord of the Sith in battle.


The Of Blood and Honor series delves deeply into Mandalorian culture and way of life. Apocalypsa Cadera is a Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter who strives to live her life by the Resol'nare, or Six Actions that define Mandalorian society. Mandalorian Vacation provides insight into her background as she and her husband Torian find themselves on Taris, fighting for their lives and for Apoc's honor. Jedi Hunt follows them through space to an unknown world where they battle an elite squadron of Republic soldiers as they search for the Jedi Master Aran Ortain in a mission given to them by Mandalore the Vindicated himself.


Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has read my work, and I look forward to completing Of Blood and Honor - Jailbreak in the next couple of weeks and sharing it with all of you.


Much love,


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Hi Silver,


I must say, I am excited to hear that you are continuing work on your series. I've been a silent part of these forums for almost a year (yeesh...two posts in one day? I may never shut up now), but I never post. Your characters are rich and exciting to read, and you really know how to bring the world they are in to life.


I can't wait for the next installment!


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I have enjoyed all the FF's (Fan fictions) you have done but mostly so the BH ones probably becasue thats the Class i like the best (i have atm 4 Bh's) :p but anyhow i enjoyed them all but thought tthat the 2nd part of your bh one was rather DARK and sad :( but i cant wait till pt-3 :)
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