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Server resets?


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just because you have had the name Pepperz for a long time doesn't make it original... that's like saying "I've had the name Bob for 40 years so it's original"


and as for the seniority part I have no idea but honestly when merging servers with the naming system we have someone is gonna lose out no matter who they give priority and complain about it so I wouldn't think it is a big issue to BW as they will hear flak no matter which way they go


I still say we should bet on supermodel jello wrestling to decide who gets names


Ghletteryvdfg is original, but that doesn't make it nice to have. Names are important to people whether you agree with it, or not.

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What about me who was also here for early access? Why shouldn't I be allowed a chance at keeping my name? What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.


I'm just quote this from another post:


Each server had an equal chance to be a destination server. There is no reason for people who happen to pick a winning server to have to draw again because your server lost. That was the whole point of early access. It didn't guarantee that your server would survive the usual depopulation that happens in mmorpg. It only guarantee that you would get early access to the servers and if your server happen to survive, then you get to keep your name if not well too bad.


This happens in every mmorpg even in wow. That's why I say that picking a server that is left standing is purely luck. If your lucky enough to have chosen a server that is left standing you get to keep your names otherwise your force to rename during transfer or reroll. Any mmorpg vet knows this. For BW to go against this unwritten rule, would not go so lightly with most of the mmorpg players. It's always first come and first serve. If your server sinks well too bad.

Edited by _Babydoll_
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eh? I'm not selling anything... if losing a fake name for a virtual character causes you ANY emotional distress at all in any way shape or form than you have issues...


Not understanding why names are important and getting dicked around by a company sucks, then saying others are using ad hominems against you after you made this post makes you a sociopath.

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I'm just quote this from another post:


Each server had an equal chance to be a destination server. There is no reason for people who happen to pick a winning server to have to draw again because your server lost. That was the whole point of early access. It didn't guarantee that your server would survive the usual depopulation that happens in mmorpg. It only guarantee that you would get early access to the servers and if your server happen to survive, then you get to keep your name if not well too bad.


This happens in every mmorpg even in wow. That's why I say that picking a server that is left standing is purely luck. If your lucky enough to have chosen a server that is left standing you get to keep your names otherwise your force to rename during transfer or reroll. Any mmorpg vet knows this. For BW to go against this unwritten rule, would not go so lightly with most of the mmorpg players. It's always first come and first serve. If your server sinks well too bad.


Well, I was right, and people who thought they were going to be a true destination server lost their names. :( On a happy note, I didn't lose any this time.

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Uh, Not sure what confusion you have, but spelling is probably one of the worst grammar problems of the world today.


But where did that come from?


I d0nt n0 ax3 t3h int3rn3t. u n0? lawl


It came out of nowhere. It's just one of those grammar mistakes that really bugs me. And since I'm one of the folks who is horribly, hopelessly attached to my old names and sad some of mine are gone, I lashed out at the guy who said we who care about names have issues. I was in a bad mood too over the consolidation, so my apologies. I don't usually post one sentence, snarky ******** like that.

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