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This game needs Dual Spec now!


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I agree, Dual Spec should be a priority for bioware, but with dual spec it should be a button in the skill tree that changes:


-All Skill points between two layouts that you have set up

-All abilities in the ability bars between the player defined layouts

-Possibly switches your entire gear set as well

-If your class has one, your stance should also be changed


This would allow people to queue as more roles in group finder, allowing for shorter queue times should they wish to do so. With Dual-spec itd be possible for me to queue as dps on my jedi guardian, I hate when i'm put into a group with other tanks and have to compete with them for threat, when i'm clearly the one marked as tank. I once actually left a group because the vanguard was such a jerk.

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I agree, Dual Spec should be a priority for bioware, but with dual spec it should be a button in the skill tree that changes:


-All Skill points between two layouts that you have set up

-All abilities in the ability bars between the player defined layouts

-Possibly switches your entire gear set as well

-If your class has one, your stance should also be changed


This would allow people to queue as more roles in group finder, allowing for shorter queue times should they wish to do so. With Dual-spec itd be possible for me to queue as dps on my jedi guardian, I hate when i'm put into a group with other tanks and have to compete with them for threat, when i'm clearly the one marked as tank. I once actually left a group because the vanguard was such a jerk.


I am Bump this

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This should have gone live when the game was released.


By now they should be trying to emulate RIFT and have 4/5 specs that people can purchase. Makes another money sink for the players, and gives people more freedom to change roles to fill a needed gap in a party or operation.

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This game doesn't need dual spec.. What we have now is fine.. There is simply no logical reason for dual spec.. Except of course ruin the game.. I saw what it did to WOW.. Dual speccing would do more harm than good..


Why have a spec if you can up and change it??


What are you going to demand next?? AC swapping??


Easy mode and convenient are not good things for an MMO.. They never have been.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I hope they are listening very unlikely though. :(


There is nothing to listen to.. This was discussed at length during the beta before launch.. As soon as Bioware said they would add it, the topic shifted to AC swapping.. Which Bioware views as non negotiable.. So? Why should they give people dual speccing only to watch people demand AC swapping..

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Dual spec is not going to affect group finder queues in any way. Dps people will make two different dps specs, probably pve dps and pvp dps. Tanks and healers can of course make dps specs for daily / pvp purposes, or queue as DPS. :D


You don't really need a tank spec to run 4 man HM:s, only gear, so those who are willing to tank them are already doing it.


I'm not against dual spec or anything. I'd love to have it in game. Just saying that it won't change the gameplay / group finder much if at all.

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agree with the naysayers above, would also like to add that a dual spec isn't rly needed with the way they handled it, you got a legacy perk to have an in-the-field-respec, which imo overrides the need of a dual spec, as you can respec wherever you want anyways.
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Dual spec is not going to affect group finder queues in any way. Dps people will make two different dps specs, probably pve dps and pvp dps. Tanks and healers can of course make dps specs for daily / pvp purposes, or queue as DPS. :D


You don't really need a tank spec to run 4 man HM:s, only gear, so those who are willing to tank them are already doing it.


I'm not against dual spec or anything. I'd love to have it in game. Just saying that it won't change the gameplay / group finder much if at all.


Yea.... no. I'm on of the many dps guardians in pvp and when I try to que for daily HMs as dps I grow a bierd waiting for a pop. If I risk tanking it without a respec I have to pray it's one of the HMs I can get away with tanking without being tank spec. If kaon pops we might as well just drop the group, it's a challenge to hold aggro on everything with the threat generating abilities of the tanking tree, with just the 2 base taunts... forget it.


I sometimes go through the respec and rebind motions but I think it's a pretty safe assumption that if it were made more convenient I'd que LFG more often and almost exclusively as a tank.

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I agree, Dual Spec should be a priority for bioware, but with dual spec it should be a button in the skill tree that changes:


-All Skill points between two layouts that you have set up

-All abilities in the ability bars between the player defined layouts

-Possibly switches your entire gear set as well

-If your class has one, your stance should also be changed


This would allow people to queue as more roles in group finder, allowing for shorter queue times should they wish to do so. With Dual-spec itd be possible for me to queue as dps on my jedi guardian, I hate when i'm put into a group with other tanks and have to compete with them for threat, when i'm clearly the one marked as tank. I once actually left a group because the vanguard was such a jerk.


^^^^^ This, a thousand times this! So far, I've spent about 130k this week respecing from tank to dps. Please bioware, come on, I'd even settle for no dual spec, but just remove the respec cost completely or just remove it if you're using the legacy perk to respec, I'll move around my own abilities/change my stance and fill my trees, please just do Something, because having to potentially pay 50k each week just just to respec is ridiculous.

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could not agree more, just want to keep the skills ive already chosen and the action bars full where ive already put them, i can get dressed myself if needs be lol.


Im stuck in dps because i enjoy that much more but haven't got the time to shove everything across to healing to only come back a couple of hours later sorry but COME ON lets have it.

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