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Returning Player Looking For New Home


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I wasn't exactly sure where to put this. I thought about the Introductions sub-forum in New Player Help, or maybe somewhere in the server forums, or the swtor-rp forums. The Community forum eventually seemed the best place to get the most traffic.


I stopped playing TOR soon after it released, but not for the reasons many others did (at least for the most part). RL got in the way, and on top of that I hit TOR hard and got burnt out. But I've always missed it. I've always wanted to experience more of the class stories, and I want another chance to RP my own stories.


I resubscribed today to find that my server is a ghost town. I guess the unfortunate fact is that a lot of servers may be that way.


Anyway, my questions are:


1.) What are some populated servers I might transfer to? Preferably with a decent RP community. I'm looking at The Ebon Hawke and Jung-Ma servers, currently.


.. Okay I guess that was my only question. I'm going to spend time researching servers and guilds for myself, but if anyone can point me in the direction of a populated server/recruiting RP guild I would be appreciative. I have characters on both factions.


=) Thank you for your time. I look forward to jumping back into TOR and making new friends.

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I have toons on both those servers and it's my opinion that Ebon Hawk has more RP and more players. Jung Ma seems less populated for some reason and in my experience, has more of the players that don't actually RP but like to play RP servers because of the community. However, speaking of community, Jung Ma's is pretty awesome and has a lot of high vis guilds and you can certainly find RP there.


So I guess I would ask how much you focus on PVP and RP and how you feel about open world pvp? From what you've said I would kind of lean towards Ebon Hawk but if you have the time it would be best to make a toon on both and run them past the starter worlds at least to observe fleet. I've seen a lot more RP on fleet on Ebon Hawk than Jung Ma... but again, this is all just personal experience. =)


EDIT: Also, still check out the server group forums to look at the different guilds on those servers. I started playing on Jung Ma just to join a guild and even though I'm not in that guild any more I have never regretted playing there... I'm just a chronic altoholic. XP

Edited by SimplyKupo
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