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Combat PvP Video


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While combat is very in vogue atm i still by far prefer watchman. While combat does have great burst and utility its survive-ability is lacking in comparison also the main burst is easily mitigated by anyone that knows what they are doing where more often then not your precision buff master strike will get interrupted by stun, kb etc...


There is too many videos going around of the spec of people eating a full precision buffed master strike which indicates ignorant opposition.


Also watchman still does have very good burst compared to a lot of other classes, with vindicator set bonus and 5 stacks of juyo my merciless when it crits has hit over 5k on geared played on a few occasions not to forget we still do have master strike so to say watchman has no burst is just not true at all. While yes it may not burst as reliably as combat it can definitely still burst..


At the end of the day its personal taste both specs can be very viable. There is no "best" spec.

Edited by AngusFTW
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^ Basically what he said, Combat has better burst but the lack of heals and a well timed kb then root basically killing your prec slash proc. While I run both specs about equally, I get similar numbers in both specs, I can maybe squeeze 20-50k damage from combat over watchman, but for dueling, 2v1s and solo queueing watchman is a bit more effective. If you have a healer or in a good premade combat can put out some serious damage, but at the cost of staying alive
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Some people even make the case for choosing Combat over Watchman because of Rated Warzones. The basis of their argument lies in Crippling Throw root and the burst capability. But anyone who has played high level RWZs knows Crippling Throw root is all but useless other than Hutball, and with a lot of Rateds ending in relative stalemates, being able to heal roughly 10% of the entire team when every heal counts while outputting the same damage as Combat makes Watchman a lucrative choice over Combat.
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^ Basically what he said, Combat has better burst but the lack of heals and a well timed kb then root basically killing your prec slash proc. While I run both specs about equally, I get similar numbers in both specs, I can maybe squeeze 20-50k damage from combat over watchman, but for dueling, 2v1s and solo queueing watchman is a bit more effective. If you have a healer or in a good premade combat can put out some serious damage, but at the cost of staying alive


Exactely what Bookin-it said. I couldn't have explained myself any better.

I agree 100%

Edited by Tomma
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Some people even make the case for choosing Combat over Watchman because of Rated Warzones. The basis of their argument lies in Crippling Throw root and the burst capability. But anyone who has played high level RWZs knows Crippling Throw root is all but useless other than Hutball, and with a lot of Rateds ending in relative stalemates, being able to heal roughly 10% of the entire team when every heal counts while outputting the same damage as Combat makes Watchman a lucrative choice over Combat.


I do agree that a good watchman can be a great asset to a ranked team but imo good combat sentinels are more prefered because they can just offer more in the end.


In addition to all these nice utility things a combat sent can provide for the team which were mentioned above, the most important thing was not mentioned here. Speed buff. Yes, 80% speed buff for the entire team at the right moment can sometimes tip the match one way or the other: It can let ur team grab the ball first, let u run faster over fire trap and score, let u reach ur node faster, let u reinforce the other node faster, let ur healer or urself get faster out of trouble... for example.


The healing of watchman is a very nice bonus but if ur in a rated team with good healers u wont need it anyway but what u wanna have is the ability to burst down enemy healers as fast as possible (or any other high priority targtes like ballcarrier) and good combat sentinels who can coordinate their efforts can do that on demand. I dont say they will do more damage than watchman in the end but its not about damage overall that lets u win games but enough damage at the right place and time.


But outside rwzs with pugs, u can go watchman all the way ofc :)

Edited by Quangus
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My sent still level 45 (just doing warzones with it till I'm capped on regular and ranked comms), but I love combat. The burst is sick, user friendly for the most part, and pretty consistent.



I can definitely see arguments for Watchman though, and I mostly think it just depends what you're trying to do with it.

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I prefer combat as it more fits my playstyle but I find myself in Watchman the vast majority of the time because it requires less babysitting and is more independant then Combat is. Plus, Combat offers no real utility in PvE situations. If you do raid, or you do a lot of PvE in general, Combat will not parse equal to Watchman in DPS because of the dmg over time aspect of it + all the Utility of Combat really is akin to the PvP side of game play. Sure Transcendance can be really helpful in some encounters (Gharg running across the bridges, or Soa, Minesweeper) but isn't essential as it is in say a Hutball Match or running to an emergency defense in Novare Coast.


Combat's burst dmg is insanely fun but easy to counter. I run both at the same level of skill but Watchman always outdmgs Combat for me because it's far more difficult to counter the sustained dmg of a Watchman vs the pure burst as Combat. But, combat is a lot more fun :-). Nothing like hitting someone for about 11k in 1 second

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