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Need some clarification Devs.


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I'm just confused here with these new changes. If I want to PVP as a DPS Commando I have to choose between Gunnery and Assault tree.


Gunnery dishes out some great DPS on PVE, but because you're required to stand in one spot and "cast" or channel most of your attacks, you become essentially a turret like Snipers/Gunslingers, with the marked difference that their attacks are uninterruptable, ours are. So you're not giving us any interrupt immunity or reducing cast time on attacks, or making them instant when certain conditions are met or anything, but you went ahead and added a root to Stockstrike and increased the snare on Cover Fire. Do you care to explain that?


I mean, is the Developer's vision to make the Gunnery tree viable for PVP?


You still won't see any good ranked teams bringing DPS Commandos along, just because they can now root an opponent.


Next question is, why are you reducing our snare % on Assault Tree?

It wasn't very good to begin with since it's RNG based and lasts only 2 seconds. We need the current % to effectively put some distance between melees and us, so we can actually channel our measly Full Auto/Charged Bolts attacks in the hope that it will reset our High Impact Bolt.


You are leaving every other snare in the game untouched but reducing the % on ours, so now I have to burn the very few abilities I have like Degauss Reactive Shield and knockback, JUST to get some distance and be able to cast my channeled attacks without getting interrupted into oblivion? Is that what you're going for here? You do realize you're putting a major nerf on the one viable tree we have for PVP right?


I keep reading Marauders/Sentinels justifying their over the top DPS like Master Strikes that can do upwards of 8k damage by saying that they have a hard time staying in melee range so they need to be able to hit very hard with their attacks during that small window.


Well guess what, so do we. We have to stand still to use CB and FA which allows melees to close on us, and if they re-apply their snare we are now screwed. We have to sit there and face-tank a Marauder because his snare slows me down more than I can slow him.


Is that what you intended for this class? some clarification would be nice.

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As a DPS PVP commando, the change to cryo grenade, plasma cell snare, and the stockstrike knockback change to root are mind boggling. All of these are counter-intuitive to playing a ranged DPS class because they let opponents get close. Especially since we have so few defenses.


I really enjoy playing the commando (even more than my VG) but it has always been an uphill battle to remain, or even be, competitive with the other classes in warzones.


I don't understand how these changes are going to make the AC better or even push it closer to being on par with the others.

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I was gonna start back playing my commando in pvp until I read the patch notes when they first came out and saw the change I decided that it was time put her into retirement which is a shame cuase I the most fun in pvp with the class and stockstrike was the main reason.


They might as well let use melee weapons like two of our compations do.

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