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PTS 1.4 Video Coverage


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Hey everyone!


I thought this would be the perfect place to announce that those of us over at the OSWguild will be doing some video coverage of the new 1.4 changes on the PTS. Our plan is to show any new additional features and content, or notable changes to existing content in great detail. Many of you are most likely already familiar with our videos, but just in case you aren't, you can you can find all of our 1.4 coverage and other great videos through the following links:


Patch 1.4 Public Test Server Playlist:


Jedi-Knight Series Playlist:


Lastly, you can find any new video on our main channel page: http://www.youtube.com/OSWguild


I hope you guys enjoy the videos, and we would love to receive any feedback if you would like to leave a comment on our videos or within this thread.




<OldSpice for Wookies>

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