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I reached 50 last week and just started doing PVP. I am assault specialist spec'd and I am working hard to get better gear. I have a question that may be ridiculous but I want to ask anyway. I am 3/6/32 and I was wondering if I should get the eliminator set for more dps or supercommando set for a little more survivability? Also, is there any recent youtube videos out there with commando pvp?
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I reached 50 last week and just started doing PVP. I am assault specialist spec'd and I am working hard to get better gear. I have a question that may be ridiculous but I want to ask anyway. I am 3/6/32 and I was wondering if I should get the eliminator set for more dps or supercommando set for a little more survivability? Also, is there any recent youtube videos out there with commando pvp?


Don't use the supercommando set as far as i can remember that is the tank set and since commandos can't use sheild generators the shiedl/absorb stats are useless and even the set bonuses are useless since you can't guard or energy blast


Commandos aren't great at the moment in PVP and a lot of people that have them like myself have pretty much put them into storage so getting a recent video might be harder but you could always look most people that still run them play as healers


At the moment you should stay specced assault if you want any viability at all (gunnary is just too easy for someone to shutdown) but we'll have to see how the changes in 1.4 pan out for all classes to see how both classes perform in the future

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Start off by buying BM gear if i remember rightly it costs around 11k to get full BM and that takes between 4 days to 2 weeks depending on how much you PVP


WH takes a lot longer since it costs 3 WZ comms to get 1 RWZ comm, but once you have full BM augment it and try to find a RWZ farming group that should speed things up

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