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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

is it the QA team or the Devs?


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I worked in sony's testing lab in Liverpool as a QA tester


one thing i noticed about devs no matter how many times you report a bug sometimes they never get fixed and get released with the game take fifa 10 for incidence we tested 7 different versions of the game and in each version if you dropped the ball to the goal keepers feet and walked backwards towards your goal the game would crash, this was a major exploit since if you was losing in a ranked match you could do this and get out of the game without incurring a loss. when the game was released i got a copy and low and behold the bug was still in the game.


same things happened with kill all humans, GTA, mortal Kombat, and lot more that i cant think off at the moment


EDIT: so where do you think the problem is QA missing them or Dev's ignoring them

Edited by liammozz
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hi, i'm a dev engineer last 30 yrs :D


the "problem" is actually an incompetent product mgr that does not enforce priorities correctly.




OTOH, devs can't find all the problems easily - sometimes its so interdependent with tech you don't have sources for, that you cant debug to detail. E.g. you use 4-5 extenal product libs in your product, and those carry hidden bugs in hidden source places for unexpected interdependent behaviour.



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