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Pvp addings ; Friendly Fire ;


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Okay so, Hello everyone, please Excuse my grammar mistakes as English is not my main language.

Here's some ideas i had recently


Podrace PvP

I've recently seen the podrace scene in the star wars movies recently, and i told myself, it could be a fun thing to add to the game.

Maybe you'd have to buy the podracer to participate, every parts of it would be moddable, so it would change it's look and powers, you could add weapons, endurance, speed, etc to get your fully personnal podracer.


killing PvP

All the PvP's we have yet are based on control points on the map, So why not add a team killing like in most Fps (it's not because it's a RPG that you don't want to kill others ^^) like i don't know the first team reaching 80 kills or something like that.

It would be great to have a few more maps too, maybe an old abandoned city, or something like a jungle island.


PvP/PvE queue

We should be able to know how many people are waiting to find a Pvp zone. Same for Pve, separated by dps/tank/heal number of each.


Friendly Fire

My first caracter was (is) a sith inquisitor. That first guy when you beggin, the one that always treat you like the scum of the earth, i always hoped that some day i could kill him... And Saddly i couldn't.

In order to do so (and maybe kill some other people too ^^) I think it would be a great think to add (like in the Fable video games) a Safe/Unsafe mode, Where, when activated you could kill any npc's. Of course they will eventually come back to life but you know some times it's great to get revenche (we're the dark side after all, we do not obey anyone else than ourselves...


That's it for now, I hope someone passing by will enjoy some of my ideas.

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Friendly Fire

My first caracter was (is) a sith inquisitor. That first guy when you beggin, the one that always treat you like the scum of the earth, i always hoped that some day i could kill him... And Saddly i couldn't.

In order to do so (and maybe kill some other people too ^^) I think it would be a great think to add (like in the Fable video games) a Safe/Unsafe mode, Where, when activated you could kill any npc's. Of course they will eventually come back to life but you know some times it's great to get revenche (we're the dark side after all, we do not obey anyone else than ourselves...


That's it for now, I hope someone passing by will enjoy some of my ideas.


And when exactly were you planning on doing this?


Before they give you any missions? Before they give you the last mission?


Do you know that the NPC is not used as a major plot element later on in your class story?


How do you finish the class story if you are killing people that are required to advance you through the class story in the first place?


Not a very workable idea.

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Podrace PvP

I've recently seen the podrace scene in the star wars movies recently, and i told myself, it could be a fun thing to add to the game.

Maybe you'd have to buy the podracer to participate, every parts of it would be moddable, so it would change it's look and powers, you could add weapons, endurance, speed, etc to get your fully personnal podracer.


Ok, so the forums are filled with complaints about the space minigame, and you want to add a racetrack minigame?

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And when exactly were you planning on doing this?


Before they give you any missions? Before they give you the last mission?


Do you know that the NPC is not used as a major plot element later on in your class story?


How do you finish the class story if you are killing people that are required to advance you through the class story in the first place?


Not a very workable idea.


I finished the inquisitor quests so i know his role. The point is, Swtor is a game, so people can die and live again a bit later i'm right ?

why can i kill everyone from the Republic and no one From the empire (most of the time...) ? If i want, once i'm 50, to become outlaw from the empire and kill people who pissed me off at the beggining of the game, why shouldn't i be able to ?

If I roleplay, I'm supposed to be one of the worst person alive... So why am i supposed to respect that guy who treat me like crap few moments ago ?

I'm not saying that i want to kill people so they never re-appear again. Just that sometime, it could be great to be able to kill someone from your own faction.


Edit : And i'm not talking about players


Ok, so the forums are filled with complaints about the space minigame, and you want to add a racetrack minigame?


First, I wasn't speaking about a minigame, but about a pvp theme. It's not the same thing.

If i follow your logic (at least this is how i understand your sentence) because people are unhappy with something, you shouldn't bring them new ones ?


I created this thread in the "suggestion box" no ?

I thought people answered more kindly when you suggested something new, and the only feeling i have right now is that you thing i'm the dumbest person on earth.


Without quoting the 3 other posts, Clearly i was wrong, everyone is very happy with actual features, so there's no need for a suggestion box finally.


But i still think that a space Pvp, or (as i was saying in the first post) a podracer PVP (and Not a minigame) could be cool.

Edited by Luthbait
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The thing is, if something like that is implemented it will be a racing minigame..

While I did understand what you want, it's not something that would work with the current game mechanics, as you can't use your skills when on a speeder/podracer, that would mean they have to make new animations for every skill, certain skills wouldn't be able to be used, etc, there's alot of boundries for this kind of thing.

If anything, they would let you race your own course, but with a blaster/rockets on the podracer maybe (it's pvp, you need to be able to shoot/kill right?), but then how would it look? exactly, like the space missions.


I didn't want to be rude at all, so I apologize if you understood it that way, I just immediatly had some weird thoughts about it, and for some reason I could only think of the QQ storm that would come with such a feature.

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Interesting ideas, and not all that bad.


People on these forums have a hard time coping with ideas. Sadly, I think many of them lack the imagination to see that adding more things to do for people is a good thing. Even if they don't personally want to partake, it's no reason to keep others from it.


There's lots of can'ts here.

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Okay so, Hello everyone, please Excuse my grammar mistakes as English is not my main language.

Here's some ideas i had recently


Podrace PvP

I've recently seen the podrace scene in the star wars movies recently, and i told myself, it could be a fun thing to add to the game.

Maybe you'd have to buy the podracer to participate, every parts of it would be moddable, so it would change it's look and powers, you could add weapons, endurance, speed, etc to get your fully personnal podracer.


While I do not understand how this game ever released with out KotOR swoop racing and Paazzak (and do think people should be fired over these ommittions if they havent already been) I gotta disagree on this suggestion.


Yes conceptually it would be awsome and in our minds we veiw it as best case senaroi!

Unfortunately the internet is more akin to worst case senario then best and I lost count of thinking off top of head how badly this would be exploited and dragged down to the gutter with in seconds. And im not even all that imaginative so Im sure for every one way I think up some bottomfeeder can add an additional 30 ways he would refer to as "fun".


Its same for player bounties. In theory we think Star Wars, Clint Eastwood, Dog.

In reality it would just be griefer haven.

All those "glory days" SWG posters who some how manage to forget every negative aspect (and there was oh so many) of SWG talk about how great Player Bounties were in SWG. In reality most people refused to even log their jedi in as some idiot would drive by them (which instantly put the bounty on the terminal) and then would switch to his bounty hunter, get his 10 other BH buddies and they would go grief the Jedi all the while being fed the players location by another non flagged/non BH that the Jedi couldnt do a thing about!


They called that fun.

Most players cancelled their accounts rather then be forced to go through the hassle just because they wanted to play their jedi character for a hour or 2 one day.


Player bounties are just another term for player griefing and while romantic in stories and film and TV. When dealing with players who pay no price for their behavior, its just worst case senario imagined ramped up by 1000.


Pod Raceing with players attacking the pods would be much the same thing.


Nice ideas but completely undoable outside a KotOR style setting where players cant interfer with racer.


killing PvP

All the PvP's we have yet are based on control points on the map, So why not add a team killing like in most Fps (it's not because it's a RPG that you don't want to kill others ^^) like i don't know the first team reaching 80 kills or something like that.

It would be great to have a few more maps too, maybe an old abandoned city, or something like a jungle island.


Honestly this is exactly what should be happening in Outlaws Den and on Ilum

And occationally it does (and its soooo much fun)

The problem is, and we see it stated daily on the PVP forums, is the WOW and later player will not do this pvp unless they are rewarded for it.

Simply doing it for fun is not a draw to them.

They want gear and abilities and blah blah blah

Its sad to see but WOW and later players and devs have managed to turn PVP into PVE


Id LOVE to see what your asking for

But unless EA puts up some rewards for the kiddies, it will never be utilized sadly


PvP/PvE queue

We should be able to know how many people are waiting to find a Pvp zone. Same for Pve, separated by dps/tank/heal number of each.


not sure I see reason for this?

Id like the ability to que to certain WZs of my choice but beyond that knowing how many in que doesnt really matter as either a spot opens or you get enough to make a new WZ grabing 16 qued players at once


Friendly Fire

My first caracter was (is) a sith inquisitor. That first guy when you beggin, the one that always treat you like the scum of the earth, i always hoped that some day i could kill him... And Saddly i couldn't.

In order to do so (and maybe kill some other people too ^^) I think it would be a great think to add (like in the Fable video games) a Safe/Unsafe mode, Where, when activated you could kill any npc's. Of course they will eventually come back to life but you know some times it's great to get revenche (we're the dark side after all, we do not obey anyone else than ourselves...


That's it for now, I hope someone passing by will enjoy some of my ideas.


Now when I read this, this is what a PVP SERVER is suppose to be

A Free For All

not the killing the NPCs as that never leads to anything good but the player vrs player Free for all

You live and die by the reputation and connections you make



And then a massive guild takes over the server and everyone not guilded to them cant compete and the server dies out like it always does.


FFA is a awsome idea conceptually but players in game are not confined by the same logic we are in outside world. There is no cost to being a serial killer maniac that kills everyone in sight in a game so people act like that.


But there is a reason everyone isnt that way in the real world.



And sadly that lack of consequences are what make FFA undoable long term.


You could say your character is wiped if you die.

People who have their fav character wiped will reroll on a different server and those that didnt die will find themselves in a non pvp and empty universe as everyone scared to fight and get wiped.

Which kinda goes to far to the other extreme ruining the server.


I really truely beleive DAoC had it right in theory


Warzones seperated by 10 level (so 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-49) and then for the 50s they had open world PVP area which was huge so supported all forms of PVP including goal style pvp with capturable keeps and relics.


Something for everyone.


I really thought thats what we would get in TOR

I completely wasnt prepared for PVPlite and kiddie warzone PVP.


When I first read about TOR I imagined Ilun having outposts (rather then keeps) that we could capture from each other and each side having cultural relics (5% force boost, 5% tech boost, for the entire faction rather then personal gear and stats) we could capture from each other to boost our sides over all power on server.


I imagined 200 imps vrs 200 reps battleing it out

I imagined guilds upgrading outposts and building extra turrets and force sheilds

I imagined a special city you needed to capture that granted access to special alien goods for a HUGE cost, but worth it for those rare crafters that could make the item(s).


I imagined so much more then what we got honestly.


Your concept can work, but it needs to be tempered abit with in parameters as players are quite simply their own worst enemies in these games.

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I finished the inquisitor quests so i know his role. The point is, Swtor is a game, so people can die and live again a bit later i'm right ?


Not in a game that tries to keep some sort of internal consistency within a character's story.


Yeah, that world boss keeps respawning, but that world boss isn't a Sith Lord giving you missions that you have 'killed' 12 times already, yet continues to act as though you are their favorite apprentice.


why can i kill everyone from the Republic and no one From the empire (most of the time...) ? If i want, once i'm 50, to become outlaw from the empire and kill people who pissed me off at the beggining of the game, why shouldn't i be able to ?

If I roleplay, I'm supposed to be one of the worst person alive... So why am i supposed to respect that guy who treat me like crap few moments ago ?

I'm not saying that i want to kill people so they never re-appear again. Just that sometime, it could be great to be able to kill someone from your own faction.


Edit : And i'm not talking about players


A Jedi Knight can't kill Master Orgus three times every day and have him come back immediately and act like nothing happened.


Within your class story, you don't get to kill anyone that you want to as often as you want.

The story sets up situations and you make your character react to those situations. If you get a chance to kill someone and decide to do that, then that person stays dead.


That is why your class story is a 'story' and repeatable content isn't.

Edited by Mithros
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