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We need theorycraft!!


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Ok, most of you don't like theorycraft, but everybody want to role the spec who's pwning in pvp and pve..


Who want to help to build a dps compendium for every marauder tree?


With a little informations like:

- introduction

- forms used

- rage mechanic

- rage gain abilities

- primary rage consuming skills

- other skills

- spec (explaing all the tiers)

- rotation (what use in the beginning and what prioritize after)

- discuss stats (what stat focus, what bonus every stat give)

- best in slot for lvl50 marauder

- what equip modifications we need to do


We can make a fixed sumary thread and work on every spec.


I know, it's a hard job. But extremely important to mature the game and make it solid for years.

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WE don't need theory craft. A specific subset of the game who survive solely on the energy produced by stroking their epeens does. Enjoy the game, it's well built. If they don't force us to be perfect, don't chase perfection. Chase fun like a regular person does in their free time.


This kinda stuff only leads to crying and class envy and flavor of the month yadayadayada... Point is, do what's fun. If it's not fun, don't complain, try something else.


I'm playing a Marauder, which is apparently horribly UP, inefficient, etc. Strangely enough, not finding that to be the case at all, personally. Doing well in groups, having fun in PvP, soloing just fine.


Theory crafting leads to WoW. If you don't think so, check their forums. If you think WoW is awesome and has 10million subscribers for a reason etc., then go play WoW? I've seen more MMOs die than most people have played. It starts once they pay attention to all the theory-crafters.


BTW, I love theory crafting in many environments, including MMOs, to a degree. Breaking everything down till others won't let it be fun if you're not the perfect build is where it gets sketchy to me.

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Every new MMO tends to start with this debate. You're not going to avoid theorycrafting. Not in a game that has a spec system where one spec will perform better than another and hard core raiding mechanics (nightmare modes).


We shouldn't have to carry bad players just because they dont like getting their feelings hurt at being called out for being bad.

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WE don't need theory craft. A specific subset of the game who survive solely on the energy produced by stroking their epeens does. Enjoy the game, it's well built. If they don't force us to be perfect, don't chase perfection. Chase fun like a regular person does in their free time.


This kinda stuff only leads to crying and class envy and flavor of the month yadayadayada... Point is, do what's fun. If it's not fun, don't complain, try something else.


I'm playing a Marauder, which is apparently horribly UP, inefficient, etc. Strangely enough, not finding that to be the case at all, personally. Doing well in groups, having fun in PvP, soloing just fine.


Theory crafting leads to WoW. If you don't think so, check their forums. If you think WoW is awesome and has 10million subscribers for a reason etc., then go play WoW? I've seen more MMOs die than most people have played. It starts once they pay attention to all the theory-crafters.


BTW, I love theory crafting in many environments, including MMOs, to a degree. Breaking everything down till others won't let it be fun if you're not the perfect build is where it gets sketchy to me.


Marauders can't heal and can't tank. They don't really have an CC abilities either. All they can really do is DPS. So, they better be good at it. Therefore, I'd like to know what I can do make what my toon does better... hence, I like theorycrafting.


And if you enjoy end-game raiding and cannot see how you wouldn't want to know the best spec out there for you. Cuz if you're bringing a bad spec or rotation, you're really being the weak-link in the chain for your raid/operations.

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WE don't need theory craft. A specific subset of the game who survive solely on the energy produced by stroking their epeens does. Enjoy the game, it's well built. If they don't force us to be perfect, don't chase perfection. Chase fun like a regular person does in their free time.




What if min/maxers don't actually stroke epeens, but instead love predicting outcomes through probability and statistics? What if "fun" to them is realizing efficiency?

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BTW, I love theory crafting in many environments, including MMOs, to a degree. Breaking everything down till others won't let it be fun if you're not the perfect build is where it gets sketchy to me.


There's always going to be people that discriminate because of class, ac, spec, gear, performance, etc. Theorycraft just gives them specific numbers to latch onto.


For the people who competently know how to use theorycraft to better themselves and their own performance, it adds to the fun of a game. It becomes part of the fun.


I don't really get the visceral overreaction to anything that WoW currently has that TOR doesn't. As if anything resembling an LFG tool, combat log, mod, or theorycraft will bring the jerks and wannabe elitists pouring in. They're already here, on these boards, and don't need any of that stuff to act the way they do.


As for WoW, there's plenty of people who run around without mods or theorcraft. They're the stereotypical casual, and they're in WoW in droves. The presence or lack thereof of mods or theorycraft does not make the community better or worse in an of themselves. It just gives those in the community who enjoy the metagame something else to play with.

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