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Alacrity and armour bonus set do not work?


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I have been playing tank jugger since day 1 but for last 3 weeks I have BH healer and this is my first healer in any MMO I did ever played. So you can see I’m new to healing and I’m trying to understand this class but from what I have done so far to me BW did mest up this class big time.

When I did get lvl 50 I did get:

colum gear including MH and OH columi.

Rakata x2 implants

Black Hole ear, belt and wrist

Battlemaster Relicts.

All augmented with purple lvl 50 mix aim and power.


At this point I was doing on average 350k heals over 4 min

But then I did start thinking about bonus stats on armorer when I did put back my legacy colum gear which do not have bonus ( this is gear I did send it from my main using legacy armour)

Now I did run same test for few times and my average heals where @ 380k over 4 min

On a paper I should get more healing with bonus but I do not.

After thinking about it I realize that because of supercharge lasting 3 sec longer with bonus armour you are doing 2-3 supercharges less. If you have no bonus you starting building up your supercharge 3 sec earlier. On top of it when you fight boss you can apply shield about 3-4 times more during fight by using kolto missile, now this is less to heal for almost a 1 min!!!

You would thing that second bonus will be very good too but les time on CD do not work too as there is no need to use HS and ES as often plus I do output more heals without this bonus anyway.

My next step, I did remove all alacrity from my armour and replaced with surge rating. So my critical multiplayer its now @ 79.86%

When I did this I was thinking that I probably will do less heals now since I will cast everything longer

But I could not believe when my average from few tests is 411K over 4 min.


So I did gain 61K more healing over 4 min just by doing something I should not according to BW.


Yesterday I did ask my brother to run some tests on his BH healer he did hit 390k over 4 min but he have full black hole medic gear everything augmented plus he have been playing healer since day one he is healing stuff like Denova and nightmare ops so his experience with healing its much greater then My. But he still doing less healing over same time.

So far I have not been healing with this set up any ops but I can easy heal LI HM


So for me, bonus stats and alacrity do not work question is. Is it me not been able to extract max healing with bonus and alacrity or BW did mest up.


For this test I did use always same and single target.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bioware messed up. The math has shown that since 1.2, alacrity is about as useful as throwing yourself off a bridge. People will still use it, despite it only increasing short term HPS by an almost negligible amount and decreasing heat efficiency by 15-20% per 250 pts (dependent on diminishing returns). The 4 set bonus is fine, but the 2 set bonus is terrible because without the heat savings of the 4 set, you are unable to use the extra supercharge time, and even with it, you need perfect heat management.
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