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Knock back rage. (1.4)


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The biggest issue is the community and their whining.... LEARN TO ADAPT!

If mercs can pull off 600k+ dmg, then adapting wont be an issue, and to be frank i see a lot of them doing insanely high dmg... BW cant satisfy everyone at the same time, they are on the RIGHT track, they buff classes instead of nerfing the ones that "should" deserve it.

Give it time and adapt to the changes, crying after every update is childish and rubbish, if you cant adapt AND if there isnt a huge game breaking issue then you shouldnt be on the forum and spreading your whines and subjective opinions without even playing it.


Please familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the class in question before commenting on balance.

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it might feel i went Overboard but face it, in Hutt Ball what would you rather see, the guy with the ball stunned, then his R/bar filled up and he can just walk off or him knocked off where he is forced to pass the ball.


We have TOO many stuns already in this game.


its a root it wont fill up resolve. you can use it when they have full resolve.

jet boost, wait for them to get close stun, it wears off or gets broke, then you root them = buff

this change will help in more ways then the current knock back

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its a root it wont fill up resolve. you can use it when they have full resolve.

jet boost, wait for them to get close stun, it wears off or gets broke, then you root them = buff

this change will help in more ways then the current knock back


All they had to change is add a 2second stun to knock back. i play my Merc ALL the time in PVP and this change WILL hurt us.

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So now you want a stun added to the knock back which you have already said there are to many stuns. You really sound a fool the way you are arguing this it's not a huge change. A situational knock back to a more frequently used root.

The complaints about you root them then get choked is just meaningless, they can just as easily choke you after a knock back as a root. Only real use to the small knockback is hutball and situational in other wz's.

Stop over reacting and learn proper ranked play and how much more objective use it could be.

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So now you want a stun added to the knock back which you have already said there are to many stuns. You really sound a fool the way you are arguing this it's not a huge change. A situational knock back to a more frequently used root.

The complaints about you root them then get choked is just meaningless, they can just as easily choke you after a knock back as a root. Only real use to the small knockback is hutball and situational in other wz's.

Stop over reacting and learn proper ranked play and how much more objective use it could be.


Not if you use the knock back at the right time. EG knocking them off a platform.

And can you tell how to Learn proper ranked play?

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proper ranked play 101.

in hutball as a merc dps you do not leave mid for any reason, you may sometimes pass their first fire but don't go as far as the second. chasing the ball carrier to "knock him off" is a no, ignore him leave that for you powertechs or assasins to pull him into the fire before you fill up his resolve.

find the key players and do not let them pass mid kill them. anyone with a pull or stealth you kill.

come 1.4 we will be able to help out stopping the ball carrier by rooting in the fire also not filling their resolve and hopefully making them use their cc breaker on your root so you can re stun after that. but this will only apply to our second fire closest to the mid.

if you do happen to spawn as the ball carrier is coming, wait behind the pillar at the top side ramps of our base to prevent charge wait till they get to you and use you jet boost knock back on any person trying to get ahead. not on the ball carrier, just aim to dps and slow (with unload) and root (in 1.4) till your powertechs get into position for a pull.


jetboost should always be your go to knock back, current rocket punch i only use for interrupting or quickly getting someone off our healers. it will no longer be needed as an interrupt and just call for your healer to move and root the person on him as he is already gaining distance.

root > knockback

Edited by geftra
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proper ranked play 101.

in hutball as a merc dps you do not leave mid for any reason, you may sometimes pass their first fire but don't go as far as the second. chasing the ball carrier to "knock him off" is a no, ignore him leave that for you powertechs or assasins to pull him into the fire before you fill up his resolve.

find the key players and do not let them pass mid kill them. anyone with a pull or stealth you kill.

come 1.4 we will be able to help out stopping the ball carrier by rooting in the fire also not filling their resolve and hopefully making them use their cc breaker on your root so you can re stun after that. but this will only apply to our second fire closest to the mid.

if you do happen to spawn as the ball carrier is coming, wait behind the pillar at the top side ramps of our base to prevent charge wait till they get to you and use you jet boost knock back on any person trying to get ahead. not on the ball carrier, just aim to dps and slow (with unload) and root (in 1.4) till your powertechs get into position for a pull.


jetboost should always be your go to knock back, current rocket punch i only use for interrupting or quickly getting someone off our healers. it will no longer be needed as an interrupt and just call for your healer to move and root the person on him as he is already gaining distance.

root > knockback


All good strats sure....My problem with these changes is not about being able to use them....Its that we should not be forced into Melee as a ranged AC. Our root should be ranged, and on a CD so thought is required. Our Snare should be reliable (especially since one has been nerfed), and not self rooting.


And honestly Im surprised we dont have an AC defining ability like every other AC...We really need "Disengage" (jumps back 15m and drops any targets currently on you-Same CD as Grapple). This would fix the AC entirely and non of it is difficult......They just dont seem to understand that Merc is a RANGED AC and that those rulz apply to us unless they want to make all our abilities instant...Which Im not asking for.

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proper ranked play 101.

in hutball as a merc dps you do not leave mid for any reason, you may sometimes pass their first fire but don't go as far as the second. chasing the ball carrier to "knock him off" is a no, ignore him leave that for you powertechs or assasins to pull him into the fire before you fill up his resolve.

find the key players and do not let them pass mid kill them. anyone with a pull or stealth you kill.

come 1.4 we will be able to help out stopping the ball carrier by rooting in the fire also not filling their resolve and hopefully making them use their cc breaker on your root so you can re stun after that. but this will only apply to our second fire closest to the mid.

if you do happen to spawn as the ball carrier is coming, wait behind the pillar at the top side ramps of our base to prevent charge wait till they get to you and use you jet boost knock back on any person trying to get ahead. not on the ball carrier, just aim to dps and slow (with unload) and root (in 1.4) till your powertechs get into position for a pull.


jetboost should always be your go to knock back, current rocket punch i only use for interrupting or quickly getting someone off our healers. it will no longer be needed as an interrupt and just call for your healer to move and root the person on him as he is already gaining distance.

root > knockback


Every PVP team has different game styles of play. I stay at half forward ( the platform before the 2 fire traps) i use rocket punch to knock the carrier back into the pit (ball spawn area) and any of his support go into the large pit, i do this so our DPS can burn the carrier down on the ground and the other guys that get knocked off have a LONGER way to run to get back into the game.

And i think people are forgetting that this knock back change wont stop the person from throwing the ball, its only a root, they can still pass the ball while rooted there.

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