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best crew skill?


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It all depends what you want to do. Both arms/armortech are good for lvling, help you get some equipment. But tbh, if sniper is not your first character, you wont have much use of them before you hit 400. And since merging the servers, population is pretty good so you wont get much use from the making of orange augmented items. IMO both skill are now only useful to make augments. I have armstech and 5 or so purple lvl50 augment schematics, but ppl ask me mostly to make them only one: overkill (12 end + 18 power). Weapons you can make with biometric alloy are just not worthy all those alloys. Do not know what you can make at 400 armortech. As for cybernetics and grenades, they help you a lot at 400 and at lvl50 pvp. especially those which are permanent. Of course you can't sell them on GTN cause only cyber can use them. As for biochem, at 400 you gain very nice stims and drugs that can help you a lot in both wz and in ops.


one more thing: if you chose arms/armortech for augments, to create lvl50 purple ones you'll need some rare drop from slicing T6 (advanced neural something) usually priced from 15k per piece and you gonna need 4 of them for one augment.

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