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2 requests


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I have two requests, I hope that bioware would consider them:


1) More PVP quest terminals on all planets (above level 10). The reason why is I like to PVP, but it is a pain when I am on a different planet to have to travel to fleet and pick up the daily and or the weekly. Then I have to decide, stay on fleet or go back to what I was doing. If I stay on fleet but warzones are not popping it can be a long wait. If I go back to a planet I may get warzones, complete the daily or weekly, I then have to travel back to fleet to turn it in. If I don't and leave it a day I then can't pick up a daily. So PVP quest terminals on planets will make it easier for just not me but a lot of people.


2) Joining a loosing warzone late, this is happened twice to me today, I join too late to change the end and because we are talking seconds until the end of the warzone I get zero comms. I would like to suggest that when a warzone is in say the last 1 to 3 minute it is locked, no one can join and no one can leave the warzone. That way people don't join a warzone where they will gain nothing.

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Great suggestions, but in regards to the WZ quitting lock, 1-3 minutes still may not be enough to prevent such unfortunate situations. In all WZs except CW, the victory can be milked out or even turned around in that amount of time (or less, or more). Implementing such a mechanism for any WZ except CW would thus be problematic. With that being said, I would be all for such a lock in CW!
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