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Potential Change for Tech Overrides


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I just got this skill and I have to say, of all the high level cooldowns, this one seems the most lackluster. The Imperial Agent gets the single best AOE in the game, the vanguard gets a "melt your face off with epic crits" move, the Mara gets a "damage? what damage? and I can still be healed!" shield. And what do we get? One instacast grav/heal every two minutes. Sure its useful, but for a class thats already lagging behind in pvp this seems a bit weak.


What I suggest is that Tech Override be changed in one of the following ways to help commandoes in PVP without doing any harm to PVE.


Simple Fix Solutions:

1) Give it a much shorter CD (30-45 seconds). Its not that powerful of a move as is for how long the cooldown is.


2) Give it multiple tokens. Say, active 2-3 skills instantly (with GCD ofcourse) instead of just one with the same cooldown as now


Overhaul Solutions:

1) Make it a token system similar to the inquisitors recklesness. We get 3 charges that increase the crit chance of Full Auto/Demo Round/Assault Palstique/HiB to X% X being whatever the devs think is balanced. The tokens can also be used to insta fire grav round/charged bolts or cast uninterruptible heals. Each tech crit, use of a heal, or instant grav/CB takes away a token. This means that firing a procced FA with overrides uses up all charges but garantees at least 9k worth of damage (easily dodged though). You could also fire at least 2 instant grav rounds/CB's, which is a godsend when trying to kite melee. To help balance this system out, there should be a high ammo cost attached to Tech Overrides (3-4 ammo) so that using it becomes a tactical decision not just a means of getting rediculous burst on demand.


2) Turn it into a defensive CD. While tech overrides is active (15 seconds) we can't be interrupted and recover x% of our health every time we get hit. Ideally, this would be balanced so that the health regen roughly offsets a DoT based attackers DoTs. You can still take damage, but you become much less squishy. To help prevent Marauder like Godmode sprees, make it so our shield can't be on at the same time as our overrides.


3) Make it a one shot wonder skill. The next Demo rounds/Assault Plastique deals X% more damage with X being a relatively useful number (i'de hope for 50-75% more myself). The move would need a high ammo cost and a cast time to make it tactical and a very visible visual effect ot let our enemies know that 6-9k worth of pain was about to blow up in their face so that they could take cover/blow defenses.

Edited by wishihadaname
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Tech override + reserve powercell + plasma grenade = more daka


I agree that Tech Override is pretty sad as a capstone class ability and would much prefer the vanguard cooldown. It's kinda funny that in PVE we lack a good offensive cooldown, an execute, and yet still manage to top DPS. I'd recommend that it be changed to grant 12 seconds of it's current effect. All abilities would still be on the GCD so our actual damage potential would not be changed, but now in PVP we'd be able to actually REACH that damage potential since now we could get off our entire grav round set up without fear of interrupts.


The more I look at other classes the more I have to wonder *** Bioware.



Also you should know that Guarded by the Force is like a level 38 Sentinel ability. Their capstone ability gives them 30 stacks of centering which gives them instant access to either Transcendence (raid wide speed buff), Inspiration (raid wide damage buff), or Zen (raid healing if Watchman spec, otherwise a nice chunk of burst). They normally get that centering fairly quickly, and Inspiration is on a 5 minute cool down no matter what, but it does allow them to start a Hutt Ball or Void Star with a group wide speed buff, or cap a door > transcendence > cap bridge > Valorous Call > transcendence immediately, so it certainly has more uses than Tech Override, but is not as immediately more awesome as the Crit Buff the Vanguards get is.

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