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I'm looking to be a part of a guild/community


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Hi all,


I'm basically looking to join a mature, active and sociable group of gamers.


I'm 31, I've got a good and hectic office job, a wife and a 2 year old daughter, so gaming for me is a wind-down and something to be enjoyed with a group of like minded people.


I don't mind what server, I just want to chat with some friendly, fun and sociable adults whilst playing SWTOR and doing some group content.


Any takers, just let me know.


Thank you.

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well, same here, so to say.

Despite of the job taking most of my time, i have quite hectic family life and a woman who HATES me playing.

(Yea, I know. spare me the comments)

Moreover this is my first MMO - and some stuff I still find quite ..strange, to say at least. All that "kicking out of the group" because you are "under geared" despite the fact that you had no chance to get the gear because it is only available if you finish specific mission for which the group is required (btw: WHO invented that nonsense?)


Anyway: it seems, in order to make any progress I need to find a group.

And since I am very irregular player, not even being able to say when and for how long I can stay, then who's gonna accept me?

And it has to be on Red Eclipse EU server..

And last but not least I am shadow infiltration DPS which for PvE (and class quests) works nice (with healing companion) but for longer massive fights when you are exposed, this may be disadvantage -as my survivability on big bosses is nothing.

I rolled JK as well but barely started on Tython..

And to be true I REALLY love playing the stories.


I bet no groups like that.

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Unity guild on Red Eclipse is a very social guild/community. We founded in 2005 in Star Wars Galaxies and a few years later branched out also into Lotro. 1 year ago we revamped Unity Guild to Unity Gaming Community as we took that decision when we heard SWG was closing and wished to keep what we had built going. Last weekend was our 1st anniversary as the Unity Gaming Community and we have now been going for seven and a half years since founding on May 10th 2005.


On tor we are very active (10-25 on nearly all times on both factions) on Dark Unity on Empire faction and Unity on Rep faction. We are also very active in lotro on Gilrain server and have guilds own minecraft server.

Last weekend, we also had the first real life meetup in Devon, of which over 30 members attended, lots in fancy dress as lotro and Star Wars characters. We hope its the 1st of many.


We do have a Unity guild thread on looking for guild/guild recruitment forum and we often bump it with upcomming events listed so you can check back and see its not a flash in the pan, but we are very active indeed. Link is: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5118458#post5118458


There is also more about us on our websites homepage at http://unity-guild.com/

We have the usual guild tools, own teamspeak server, youtube and facebook sites etc.


We are not a hardcore guild, in pvp or ops every night. We realise players have real life commitments and whilst we do lots of activities there is no pressure on members to do them or indeed level. Since founding in 2005 we maintained that a new level 1 player is as welcome to us as an experienced top end player, and that is still true today in Tor.


If you do like what you read about us, we do recruitment via the website as we need to ensure members have forums access for signs ups etc, please just register on the site, then click on "join us" on homepage, select game/faction and do application. Officers read the site daily and once seen application will add you to friends list ingame to catch for an invite. Alts etc are auto added, you only need to apply once.



Ziso (Republic)

Mego (Empire)

Edited by Ziso
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