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In-game Community.


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I'm not gonna beat around the bush. There is no ingame community!? :mad: TOR is like the London Underground, lots of people going places, but no ones talking or even acknowledges each other all going their own way.


A community is what sells/makes a game, people don't come back to have romance with their NPC companion they come back to laugh with friends about a heroic that's gone wrong or just chat. If tor was to create to add this into the game it would make up for everything I can find wrong with the game. I can accept it's not swg. I'm not here to reminisce and bash TOR, but surely I'm not the only one who feels a bit lonely a bit dissapointed that at no point do you get a chance to meet random strangers, develop friendships in game...besides being the correct level to help someone else in a group mission then go your own ways. There needs to be more. Tor could learn from one of the things SWG got right the sense of community.


The question is what changes could be made to implement this? I for one think Chat bubles as it's easy to miss/feel un-engaged by a chatbox full of text scrolling past really fast. It would also be an idea to hold humorous social events that are break from grinding, take the mickey, laugh, don't have to be so serious about TOR all the time... As this wouldn't necessarily change the game, it would just add an alternative reason to log in for some and those who are about to slag me off for my views and tell me to F off that their hardcore pvper's etc and this game is an immersive roleplay can still have it like it was on launch. I'm looking to give a positive idea to help the game and make it enjoyable for myself and I hope others, I'm not thrilled by being on-line with others and 99% of the time listening to pre-recorded audio that's not what drives me to play, what does is that sense of belonging to a community!


Can't the cantinas become hustling hubs for people to gather, couldn't there be something other than just killing NPC's and running past the very people who if united could keep a game strong.

Edited by NiborBinks
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