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Re-playable Story Mission with Scalable levels, and Planets scalable bracket instance


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Well, I have been thinking and there different problem in TOR once you reach 50, The First is the amount of content you can do is limited to a few hard modes(Not even all the flashpoint Can't understand why you guys haven't bother to create hard modes of the other 8 Flashpoint , Athiss Hammer station Red Reaper etc,but I think there some quick solutions that could alleviate boredom without spending huge amount of resources and would also increase the longevity


Re-playable Story Mission with Scalable levels, and Planets scalable bracket instances


Re-playable Story Mission


Well via the Event Rakghoul Conflict and the Grand Acquisitions it been shown the game has the function to check the player level and generate a level appropriate NPC. Well why not make are Personal Story Re-playable? Most people aren't going to roll two version of the same class due to the limits of character spaces and the tedious of doing side quest to level up; even now the details of my class story are a little hazy. People have called this game Single Player (which I actually like never been a fan of MMO historically), but it should take advantage of one of the greatest aspect of a Single player game Re-playability and multiple difficulties . Within some “restriction” I should be able to replay different chapters so I can reference NPC, hear dialogue again or limited how many times of day I can do it to prevent farming , like re-watching an old movie. In Dragon Age Origins I always saved countless save so I can go back to different areas and replay them when I was bored. Harder


. So instead of doing the same damn daily people could replay aspect of their quest maybe once a day in different difficulty , Normal -Scaled to Level , Heroic , Nightmare-4 man Trooper Quest that award Black holecoms or some other reward money etc. .Unique look Nightmare 4-8 Man Emperor Jedi Knight Battle ?

The thing is by reworking within the existing framework of existing boss battles and content, you save money on art production ( One of the most expensive part of game development ) the rest comes down to testing the actual content.

• Scalable Planet Instances bracket


Biggest complaint from the Average MMO player is it too ‘linear!’ Well Bio-ware game haven’t always been linear *Sure the story is linear not going to turn into Sky rim, But you could at least choose the planet you started on. Now with TOR This would pose two problem. The First problem is that there a planetary quest and there some general continuity between certain planets , Corellia to Illum for instance . The other being is the Class quest that follow the planet quest . The problem is if I got 3 50s, I’ve seen most of the stories already and I know the planetary quest probably memorized it . So After I get my ship maybe I want to play Illum 16-20 ,instead going directly to Balmora 16-20 , and then instead of Narshaadar I go to VOSS . If I really want my companion I can go to Balmora and pick it up . We need more freedom from the Same Railroad if you want to prolong the longevity of your PVE content in the face of more Horizontal scaling game systems . .


Solve a couple of problems (Linear Level Paths reducing the Value of Alting ) (Giving people something to do at 50 going back to older heroics for new rewards scaled to there level or a harder level )

Say I am Bored of Illum so I start up a level 50 Voss instance or a Heroic Voss instance or a level 50 Hoth instance


What this doesn’t solve


Now this doesn't solve the content being too Easy or being imbalanced not having any new mechanics for the hardcore people who find it all too easy or whatever, but who cares? , it does change the scenery it gives people something to do while they wait in-between patches other than grinding from 1-50 again on an alt and gives more value to the character you’ve already geared. Could even change the scenary if you wanted to differiate them (Lower level illum = DAY Time , High level Narshaadar = Day time


Positive Effects


people are no longer confined the Fleet Illum or Belavsis or the god-awful Corellia black hole. It simply gives people something "repetitive to do " But with a change of scenery to break up the grind, hell maybe Narshaadar is set in the DAY for level 50 ? Hoth at Night Level 50 ? Not necessary of course just the fact that I can play a Level 50 version of HOTH scaled to my NPC level or replay Planet Quest and Heroic Quest Story mission in different difficult .


2 it solve to major problem in MMO without getting rid of the level caste system

First is increases in level rendering older content obsolete when Makeb Drops the major complaint if we raise the level cap it going to make all this content obsolete, but by offering a level 50-55 instances of Narshaadar or 50-55




Bio ware has to do something to actually alleviate some very basic issue to MMO ,because competition isn't gonna become any easier , With Guild Wars 2 Buy 2 play with a lot of content { and there way to solve simple problem without investing a TON of money ,beyond balance testing . One of the common thing people might argue is bring Pazzaak and Swoop racing , (But that great to non-combat things to do ) but got the tools within the content to actually get more mileage from the existing NPC and Planets and PVE Content .

Edited by OceanwaveII
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Once you've leveled 3-5 level 50 Toons and geared them ,you are pretty much space-baring most of the story content beside the class quest. I have probably played this game for grand total of 64 days of game time .I am not playing Balmora side quest another 5 times simply don't care at that point . Story are like a good movies it good for the first run maybe the second or something you come back a few months later to re watch to relive memories of your conquest , see the director cuts and alternatives . This keeps good stories alives , TOR Should take the same point of view if it a STORY based MMO .


With a video game though you have game play aspect intermingle with small parcel of story and other elements to keep peoples attention aside from strict linear story . While Bioware can develop new story content the Developer have said themselves it too damn expensive to keep pumping out new story content on a weekly or monthly basis (not to mention the 200 something people that got laid off including writers of many of these great stories we enjoy ),hence we will be waiting till 2013 for Chapter 4 or longer . They also said a MMO cannot go 6 week without new content forgot which developer mentioned this as Gamerscon , he also remarked they need to demphasis story some and get more group content. , They need more re playable aspects and they can make easily from the existing content . If I bored one day , maybe I want to do my daily on Korriban level 50 ? or replay the Battle with Lord zash tuned to black hole campaign gear because a sadomasochist ? It gives me a reason to log in other than doing one Hard-mode flashpoint .


The game need longevity, and thank good for the group finder it helped , best thing they could of did for this game but we need more . A linear story is great for the First run not the 50th time when the newness has worn off and you know the entire story and all the spoilers . Take example the Group finder , Most people just space-bar through the cinematic since they've all seen them at least 100 times, Don't think people care about why Revan fell to the dark-side after doing the foundry 5 times in a row in the same day. .


Good bulk of the subscriber base got to 50 and probably in first free month and never played again since they saw the story they wanted or didn't want to pay 15 dollars a month and had no interest in the limited Endgame . . Story isn't enough to keep people busy for months or between patches , Unless there some episodic plan DLC ( If TOR was Like a sitcom tv show that constantly has a new star wars episode ever week , a new episode dealing with are companions ) But they've told us under current gaming technology and cost it not feasible .


What I am talking about creating longevity in the existing thempark content we have already have since it not that expensive .after people have made there first 2 alts and are planning on making a 3rd character . This person probably bored of doing those awful dailies and planet side quest for gear or XP for an alt (add re playable to existing story content and multiple difficulties to the people who have finished the game). Take the Fun parts of TOR and make them re-playable with different difficult and that could offer daily rewards , rather than going to the Corella Black hole over and over again .


I can honestly tell you my entire Republic guild is playing mine-craft while they wait for 1.4 and part of My Imperial guild is playing guild wars 2 while they wait for 1.4 . So who care if imbalances the flow of the story? if it gives people something to do to clear up boredom and keep subscribers and people need something to do . It alleviate the grind of alts by changing up how the path they level and what planet order they go through. it for people who've seen the story and are replaying the game and need something to do and doesn't require development of expensive Brand new story content , thus being cheap to implement


Hell could even make it a legacy unlock (Get 1-2 character to 50 Unlock Re-playable Mission and alternative planet level brackets instance access)

Edited by OceanwaveII
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